Title: Lover Man Characters: Blair, Dan (AU) Rating/Word Count: M/1410 One-Line Excerpt: Her mouth was sweet and soft, lacing a hook to the feelings he had buried so deep inside he never believed they would resurface.
This was quite intriguing to read. Especially, on how you twisted it to be a historical-based story.
Also, the pairing was also interesting. Although, lately I've becoming more, and more of a Dair fan; although, deep-down, I will always be a Chair fan at heart (and wishing that the two will eventually get back together. However, Blair and Dan, make for an interesting couple, as well.
I'm going to repeat what's been said and say that I love that you made this historical. And I'm going to have to add that I love that Blair noticed Dan's ass, that Dan did the same with her, that he is a stableboy, that he tried to describe what happened in poetry, and that Blair is having her fun and getting carried away by her imagination. So yes, so much love for this.
Comments 13
But it made me sad, the beginning. My poor BC heart.
The BD was nice. Just sex, I could definitely deal with. No emotions. It works. Girls gotta get her fun somehow!
Also, the pairing was also interesting. Although, lately I've becoming more, and more of a Dair fan; although, deep-down, I will always be a Chair fan at heart (and wishing that the two will eventually get back together.
However, Blair and Dan, make for an interesting couple, as well.
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