ideas, Tinker Tailor, and there goes another one...

Sep 21, 2011 23:59

Right, got to book time off work next week due to funeral finally being scheduled. Great Aunt Bina (my grandma's elder sister - utterly, utterly cool) got pneumonia a couple of weeks ago. She'd been getting that little bit frailer and frailer as the years went by (in her 90s, still getting around by herself but in sheltered housing) and when she ( Read more... )

narnia, family, film, tv: torchwood

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Comments 11

marbleglove September 21 2011, 23:51:59 UTC
And now I really, really want to read Narnia/Torchwood fic.


Torchwood Narnia Fiction potteroo35 September 22 2011, 02:20:30 UTC
Hi. Longtime lurker at your fiction here, putting in a gratuitous two cents worth. Sounds a fabulous crossover as you describe it - pretty please write it?


lazlet September 22 2011, 06:18:47 UTC
'oh god. I remember that pattern. The bag in the foyer?' '....Our school hall curtains.' 'The grafitti.' 'BEDCOVER.' 'Our nan's was blue.' 'Wimpy's.' 'Breathe, sweetie, deep breaths.' '...So many shades of brown.'

HAHAHAHAHA! That's pretty much my train of thought throughout the entire film! I think the reason there hasn't been much fannish buzz is that it's not out anywhere else in the world [go UK!] and I think a lot of people simply aren't going to get it and when fandom doesn't 'get' a film they generally back away pretty sharpish. But yes! So much room for fic; so many stories to be filled in. Cut along fandom! Get your act together.


morbid_sparks September 22 2011, 10:04:34 UTC
Write it write it write it.



croissantkatie September 22 2011, 12:39:25 UTC
I really got the sense of time from seeing TTSS as well, despite not having lived in that era at all, but it really came across well. I'm really looking forward to going with the rest of my family and seeing their reactions to it.

Also, I now desperately want that crossover.


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