boobs rant

May 10, 2010 13:55

The underwear industry is really bloody weird. My back size is 30 (rib cage measurement). I'm UK clothing size 10/12 on top. However, most clothing shops go down to 8, the shops that cater for teen/fashionable normally go down to a 6. There is no way the girls wearing a 6/8 have a bigger back size than me since my build is stocky and they're ( Read more... )

smite! work, body, boobs

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Comments 7

myorangecrush May 10 2010, 19:36:46 UTC
I walked into a Bravissimo wearing a 40DD and walked out with a 34G.

A friend, she's only 18, having major boobie issues, pains - aches. Went to doctors, was told she could have cancer, had tests, scans.

She came round and I looked at her body shape. She said she was in a 36DD.

I laughed and said, go to Bravissimo. She walked out in a 30EE and hasn't had booby pain since.

So many people wear the wrong bra size, it's amazing. Mind, that's cos M&S measure for their size range.

Incidently, I went into Victorias Secret after being a Bravissimo girl for 2/3 years. Back to being a 40DD. I laughed, and told them to extend their stock or start telling people to go elsewhere. When underwear stores do this, it's no wonder most people are wrong.


burntcopper May 10 2010, 20:34:06 UTC
Hell yeah. M&S measured me wrong, and they advertise their bra measuring since they're the biggest undies retailer in the UK. La Senza are even worse.

The worlds' best are Rigby and Peller, who can apparently judge your bra size as soon as you walk through the door. I walked out of Bravissimo in a 30DD. This morning, I looked at my mate's back, tugged her backstrap down to horizontal and asked what size she was wearing. 34B. And she's an 8/10. I laughed hysterically and told her to get her arse to Bravissimo.


myorangecrush May 10 2010, 20:43:23 UTC
I do love bravissimo, bar the prices. The clothes particularly are very expensive.

I'm losing weight at the moment, 20lbs so far, and I'm realistically on 2 bras at a time. As each only fits for a maximum of two months, I can't afford to keep anymore than that going. I'm looking at £50 everytime I drop a cup size.

Even once I reach my target, I'll still be a 32DD (never been anything smaller since puberty hit and brough boobies) possibly even a 30 back, as the 32 was a M&S measurement.

I'm stuck with them forever!

Your friend - probably a 28C/D


cynicalcylon May 11 2010, 22:46:53 UTC
I went in a 38D & came out a 36F/FF
I'm an 18 bordering on 20 in some shops (I have the shoulders of a rugby player, I will NEVER be small), so going down to a 36 was a bloody shock, I can tell ya, but it fits how it's supposed to so I'm not complaining too much - except for the extra cost. Am definately complaining about that *grumblegrumble*


burntcopper May 12 2010, 00:02:42 UTC
once, in the far distant past, I remember being able to get a bra for £13...

I know M&S now do the larger cup sizes - tried there? should be cheaper'n the specialists. I still can't shop there due to the 30 back, though.


cynicalcylon May 12 2010, 11:23:22 UTC
M&S are cheaper, but I'm still looking upwards of £15 (if I'm lucky - usually closer to £20 though) a time.
I used to be able to buy good bras for £5 :(


alysscarlet May 13 2010, 15:45:35 UTC
I've been to Rigby and Peller a couple of times and they insist that I should be wearing a 32C, rather than a 34B or C. But I just find that unacceptably tight and certainly couldn't get the 2 fingers underneath. I've ended up having to buy extender straps so I can wear my expensive Rigby and Peller bras, so I don't necessarily think they are the best unless you are prepared to suffer.

M&S are rotten at measuring. You just have to take half a dozen into the changing rooms (and a friend to fetch and carry) and keep trying them on.


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