ivy trails and screen stuff

Apr 02, 2010 18:17

currently stripping a 9ft ivy leaf garland and pinning its leaves on the bodice of my tink outfit. I rather like the current half-covered effect where it looks like the leaves are creeping down it, but costume demands full-coverage. Unlike the first attempt at a tink costume, where I was overlapping like hell to make sure not one scrap of fabric ( Read more... )

terry pratchett, tv: dr who, alwcasting: over the rainbow, tv in general, dance, ads: richard winsor, film

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Comments 1

eruvadhril April 3 2010, 02:01:35 UTC
It makes me sad that Going Postal has been pushed back. I suppose I
'll have to make do with Ashes to Ashes, Doctor Who, and Jonathan Creek this weekend.


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