
Mar 19, 2010 13:37

Was supposed to get at least a few things done last night that I'd been putting off - hair dye, jobs, etc, but got hit by the thing that's been plaguing me a bit ( Read more... )

body, blegh

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Comments 2

peterjevans March 19 2010, 15:55:30 UTC
Reproductive biology can be a harsh mistress, it seems... I’m really sorry to hear retro-digestion added itself to your list of woes - that can’t have been a fun evening at all. I hope you’ll be feeling much improved for tomorrow’s pubbage, if you’re planning on going.

And yeah, being facially impaired is always the best way to attract a sudden and unexpected visitor! I mean, there I was, brand new leather gimp mask, getting the final zip just so, and of course that’s when the doorbell went…

On the plus side, I don’t get Jehovah’s Witnesses any more.


burntcopper March 19 2010, 17:01:16 UTC
window cleaners are like posties. Nothing can shock them, as they've seen *everything*.

Jehovah's, on the other hand... you'd think the previous year would pass down stories.


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