when ringtones attack

Jan 06, 2010 12:23

snow falling outside in tiny flakes and there was pavement ice in Shepherd's Bush/Kensington. But not settling. Bah. Apparently it's deep, deep snow back home. Hoping like hell I can get back tonight since I want to mess around in the snow. 'Specially considering tomorrow is birthday. (snow is normally only a february or Easter thing in ( Read more... )

music, snow!, babble

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Comments 14

silly_swordsman January 6 2010, 12:46:52 UTC
I can recommend "Engel" by Rammstein as a ringtone. Intro is whistling, so penetrating and non-grating. And if you miss that, the guitars kick in after a little bit.


cangetmad January 6 2010, 13:31:37 UTC
I have Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder as a ringtone, and I recommend it. Noticeable right from the intro and awesome. Has the advantage of completely earworming one of my colleague, who ends up singing it almost all the time at work.


sbp January 6 2010, 13:54:50 UTC
For a long time I used the theme from Buffy - starts off quiet and gets more urgent and loud.


peterjevans January 6 2010, 14:27:22 UTC
Mine just rings. Like a phone.

Because it’s, you know, a phone.


burntcopper January 6 2010, 16:15:49 UTC
Pah. you, sir, are not living in the future.

As several have put it, they may have predicted tiny communicators but they didn't predict that we'd be using them to look at badly-spelt captioned pictures of cats. Or that porn would drive most of the media innovations.


peterjevans January 6 2010, 17:19:09 UTC
Ah, but are you sure? We have no idea how many LOLcats Kirk kept on that little flippy-cover communicator of his. And why else would Mr Spock have that hood over his monitor so no-one on the bridge could see what he was looking at? Hot Vulcan-on-Andorian action, betcha.

Anyway, my lack of a ringtone is my protest at the future being, so far, a big disappointment. When my jetpack and my giant robot arrive, then I will make my phone play ‘Vin-Da-Loo’ by Fat Les. Until then, it shall be Bakelite.


gmh January 6 2010, 23:36:12 UTC
Mine plays a sample of a church bell from Spain. It's a shame my phone has such a tiny speaker, or it would make impressive 'CLONG!' noises when people rang me.

However, anyone who didn't see porn driving the mass media has no-one but themselves to blame; the French Revolution was built on pornographic libelles.


cidercupcakes January 6 2010, 14:41:36 UTC
We don't use "ta" where I am, or at least not in my circles -- lower-middle-class mid-Atlantic -- and I don't think I've heard it much if at all amongst people from other regions/sets. "Eejit" is more dependent on the accent, so that's a regional thing.


burntcopper January 6 2010, 16:22:50 UTC
I predict 'Ta' will be the next thing that American script-writers have the English stereotypes using. Since they're steadily burning through cheers and bollocks.

re: eejit, that makes sense because it is just 'idiot' filtered through regional accent. But more satisfying to say. Any idea what part of the country Bobby's supposed to be from? I don't think it's Illinois, Oklahoma or Kansas.


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