book vs. adaptation

Jun 17, 2009 12:45

Reading Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South. Partly in a challenge to self to see if I can make it through a classic C19th novel that I love and adore the adaptation of. (Dickens, I can't get past the first page without chucking it across the room in exasperation with his sodding bogged-down prose. Austen, I never seem to get past the first page ( Read more... )

lit moaning, ads: jeremy northam, tv in general, e=mc2, film, ads: paul bettany, squee!

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Comments 2

eruvadhril June 17 2009, 12:27:35 UTC
The main thing I remember about reading North and South is wishing they'd shut up about God for five minutes at a time and get back to the plot. One afternoon I was reading it in a (quite full) lift on the way down to lunch, and another lady noticed me reading.
HER: Oh, North and South?
ME: Um, yes?
HER: What do you think?
ME: The story's good.
HER: Have you seen the TV series, by any chance?
ME: Yes!
We suddenly seemed to have a lot more space around us. I can't think why.


xenaclone June 17 2009, 15:09:14 UTC
I remember having to wade through one of Gaskell's tomes for my degree. The hero didn't even kiss the heroine till the last page. Like that was typical of Victorians [eyeroll].


Jeremy Northam...oooh, yes. He pretty. I fancied a guy a lot like him in school who is probably a relation, as they share the same surname and come from the same part of England. Latter fella didn't know it, but he could have seduced me like that [GGG]. Kisses = 15 out of 10. Yeah, that good [swoon].


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