Poking the new Sarah (Chuck) outfit (see chucktv.net for photos). According to boy who sits next to me, her shoes are converse. I considered getting cheap lookalikes and painting them, but it turns out ebay has orange converse for about £15 (which is cheaper than buying the fakes + paint cost). The fun thing will be looking for white cropped jeans. I can probs get the vest printed up no trouble, and will have to badger the printing shop about how much they'd charge for just the printing on your own item for the apron.
The important question now is whether I suit orange.
(I have vague dread of it being like Princess Bride, where I got the 'eurgh, that shade of red and cut *really* doesn't suit you' and I replied 'yeah, well, it didn't suit the original actress either.')
:facepalm: self, you really should be looking at costumes for the bloody BSG con in December, not the con next year.
I really shouldn't idly surf
bedlamsbard's narnia fic late at night. I re-read
Ere Yet We let Loose the Legions (Golden age narnia/LOTR) where Eomer's bunch end up in Narnia whilst fleeing the Uruk-Hai and Peter decides 'fuck it, let's join the fight' and now? Now I want to see Peter meeting Aragorn. All those who think they'd have to be kept at different ends of the hall by Legolas and Edmund, raise your hands... AUGH. Fuck *off*, bunnies.
Listening to the Sunset Boulevard tracks from ALW's birthday. :wails: WHY THE FUCK WAS I NOT INTO MUSICALS IN MY TEENS/EARLY TWENTIES? :pokes ALW: re-stage it, you know you want to. and hire Maria Friedman. (if the woman reduced people to tears with her rendition of 'As If We Never Said Goodbye' at a concert, I'm all for trying her for the role. And just checked the
youtube vs. the radio2 record - the radio's completely flattened it out. Note to self : track down all the youtube bits of the concert, rip them, then figure out how to rip the mp3s because they're far better quality) The Barrowman could probably be convinced if he stops doing the rather more...stupid tv shows. Ruthie, consider yourself ear-marked for Norma when you're a couple of decades older. And will you two stop having so much chemistry? The 'awwwww's are very, very audible on the youtubes.