
Sep 02, 2008 14:57

skinned knuckle, will you bloody well heal? Seriously, you were minor. You weren't bleeding. There was bugger all wrong with you until you scabbed over. Because since then, you have been sore, you have been painful, you crack and bleed all over the place when it's least convenient, and of course you catch whenever I reach into my bag or try to ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

snowballjane September 2 2008, 14:28:07 UTC

Spray on plaster? It's handy for joints.


ssirienna September 2 2008, 22:03:21 UTC
Beat me to it!


dario006 September 2 2008, 14:42:43 UTC
Put Savlon on at night and if you can rub it in during the day aswell. I really does help things heal faster - take it from someone who regularly injures themself :D

Also Melolin wound dressing pads taped on with surgical tape - again help the wounds heal faster, and if you tape them on properly they stay on far better than plasters.

My first aid kit is fairly well stocked... ;)

Oh, I would take you up on that spare ticket but I'm working this weekend :( I think my chances of taking any leave right now are slim to none but if something turns up I'll let you know.


mrslant September 2 2008, 22:15:16 UTC
I recommend Melrose Skin Emollient, if you can find it.


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