fandom insertion and evolution we hate

Mar 12, 2008 17:28

:pokes womb: you've had first mild cramp. Please let that be it for this week. Because I do not want to spend my day off curled around a hot water bottle tomorrow - I have plans. Waking up late. stumbling around town. Getting a haircut in full girly gossip mode ( Read more... )

fandom, owwww

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Comments 4

xenaclone March 12 2008, 21:51:09 UTC
Fandoms I could legitimately feature in as myself:-

Dr Who
Quantum Leap
Lost [it's whacky enough]
Dresden Files
Cold Case



burntcopper March 13 2008, 01:25:54 UTC
hee. Yes, but where in Torchwood? me, i'm lurking around anytime they're near the Brecon Beacons. gibbering along with the cannibals, and hanging around the posh hotels.

Spender - newcastle. visits to grandma.
Good Omens and Spooks are a location thing.
Numb3rs and House are the only other ones I could think of where characters submit papers to science journals in canon.


munchkinott March 13 2008, 05:11:17 UTC
Heh. what fandom could you reasonably fit into with your job/life and hobbies?

Anywhere in the Pegg-verse (Spaced, Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead) to the point it's actually quite scary. And things like The Office/People Like Us are a given as is anything with a perpetual unemployment theme - e.g. Bread.

Weird thing is, hoovering up popular culture's a recent thing with me - prior to that I chewed up and spat out general knowledge. So with my admin socks on, knowledge of pre-1990 programming languages etc - I could drop myself into anything from the Man From UNCLE to Dempsey & Makepeace and sample the action-packed world of jammed photocopiers in three different decades.


alysscarlet March 13 2008, 13:43:55 UTC
As a scientist, thought you might enjoy this molecular jewelery:

The serotonin is cute!


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