location, location, location and bad star wars jokes

Oct 26, 2007 11:23

What are the chances of Jack Harkness making bad Star Wars jokes or comments (you have to pass through Tataouine, which is the place Ep IV was partially filmed, to get to Tiaret) or is he not that sort of time traveller? (The Doctor definitely would, but as we know, Jack is not the Doctor ( Read more... )

writing, nanowrimo, captain jack

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Comments 3

derryderrydown October 26 2007, 12:37:51 UTC
Has your Jack spent enough time in the right time periods to be making Star Wars jokes?


burntcopper October 26 2007, 13:41:28 UTC
well, I'm wondering, because this is set during the time he's on the slow path - and I'm pretty sure I remember him not getting the spock joke in Empty Child. On the other hand, after that he did spend an unspecified amount of time with Nine and Rose before he got killed on the Game Station and then jumped back to 1869, so... what d'you reckon, plausible?


soulstar October 26 2007, 17:20:34 UTC
You know, I don't think he would. His mind is more likely to be running along the lines of the awkward places all that sand can get...

On the other hand, Nine and Rose might have educated him. So, um. Hell, it's Nano - write it! If it doesn't work, you can edit it out later.


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