Prison Break Futurefic: Love is Friendship Set on Fire (1/1)

Dec 26, 2009 10:28

Title: Love is Friendship Set on Fire (1/1)
Characters: Canon offspring, Michael Scofield, Sara Tancredi, Fernando Sucre, Original Character
Genre/Rating: Het, Alternate Reality, Non-epilogue-compliant / R for one dirty word
Length: 1,360 words
Warning: Futurefic, fluffier than the fluffiest bunny. Please skip if this is not your thing.
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futurefic, pb fic

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Comments 21

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burntcircles December 26 2009, 09:13:32 UTC

To be honest, I feel I shouldn't claim credit for the phrase your blood... It came too quickly to mind when I was writing that section that I suspect I must have read it before but don't remember exactly where *makes frowny face* But the "dragon" part is definitely mine LOL and hopefully everything else. LOLOL

I wasn't expecting anybody to be on LJ these days, so your reply was a wonderful surprise.

I'm glad you liked this. I don't have a knack for missing-scene fics and I couldn't think of something angsty at this time of year *g*, so futurefic it is. If anything, I felt very happy writing this, because it gave me the room to ignore what I want to ignore and a bigger sandbox, so to speak.

And hmmm, you're tired? There must have been some serious partying! That's great!


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burntcircles December 26 2009, 13:58:44 UTC
Come to think of it, it would exactly be your thing to go online first thing in the morning, because you're quite a stickler for organization. And that's a compliment, by the way *g*

And I'm going to be nosy here and ask--you don't read other PB fic anymore? Is it too painful? In that case, thank you for reading this, and I'm going to do my best to make it worth your while. And read only because you want to, okay? And only as long as you enjoy it. Cause you know, there really is no obligation. *hugs*


lizparker6 December 26 2009, 10:23:38 UTC
Oh this was so nice.:) He is indeed, not his father, but lets say he inherited a fair portion of him.;) Also,lila seems a lot like her mother, lol.;)

Loved it, also the little touch of Michael and Sara, but all in all, a very wonderful AU oneshot, you could almost call it an original fic.:) I love when you put your thoughs like that on the paper, the sentences you glue together create a wonderful snake of plot mixed together with life experience and nicely polished wisdom and very writing.

I am enjoying your work very much dear.


burntcircles December 26 2009, 14:02:53 UTC
There really is too little Michael/Sara here; after all this time, I still find it so difficult to write them. Best to leave that to more capable hands. *pokes you*

Glad to know that you enjoyed this. I think I've never written something as fluffy as this before, but this surely was fun!


lizparker6 December 26 2009, 19:19:40 UTC
Lol, I AM writting Michael/Sara fanfics, as much as possible! *rubing the sore spot and grumbling* No need to poke me so hard... ;)


sk56 December 27 2009, 03:40:33 UTC
Sweet, but not sticky, and a lovely use of specific details (the annual rose, she goes to Chile rather than just away, Jupiter and its moons...)


burntcircles December 27 2009, 12:47:02 UTC
Most times my language is very simple, so I do try to compensate with the details. Thanks for your words here, they are much appreciated.


eight8toes December 27 2009, 06:30:10 UTC
For me? :D

Thank you, Nona!

I don't think that I'm ever going to grow tired of saying this... you're back! *hugs*

This story was so great! It's rare to read a story that involves Sucre (or his relatives lol), but you've done a wonderful job! Like Maureen said, it's poetic and very well written! It's like I was there, too!

Futurefics rock my world, tonight :)


burntcircles December 27 2009, 12:52:01 UTC
Oh Daph, thanks. Sorry I couldn't work with the prompt that you gave me; my muse was stubborn. Glad you liked this anyway, and I hope that Sucre will be front and center next time! *hugs*


thyboz December 28 2009, 22:32:43 UTC
This was great. Refreshing, sweet and an intriguing read altogether! Why intriguing? Because of the way you blended the characters we know and love, like M/S, into what actually is a brand new story. Loved it!

I also have to point out the beginning with the story telling and the dragon. I could totally picture it, and it's a great idea!

Thanks for posting, I'm glad I can still enjoy some PB stories.


burntcircles December 29 2009, 01:25:07 UTC
And I'm glad that I can still enjoy writing them. *g* Thanks for your words here, for the specificity with what you liked in this.

Is it okay if I friend you? I see that you're writing fic yourself -- I would love to read it as soon as it's posted.


thyboz December 29 2009, 15:49:57 UTC
Of course, I'll be happy to friend you back! :) I do write, even if it's been less lately... Maybe a new resolution for 2010 LOL


burntcircles January 1 2010, 01:11:43 UTC
Oh, you make vids! How wonderful. I shall be viewing them with much interest.


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