Title: The Last Two (part 1)
Author: Ema (
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: The Doctor & The Master
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,210.
Notes: This isn't too impressive just yet - nearly all of the dialogue in this bit is taken from End of Time Part 2. Basically, I've been wanting to re-write the end of "End of Time" because I found it to be,
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Comments 12
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the way you've written the Master! As I said before in a comment to your 'Untitled' fic (I've been thinking and I reckon 'Virtual Reality' might be a good title for it? If you're inviting suggestions, that is - if you're not, sorry; as a writer who can't start work on a story until I've chosen a title, I just couldn't help myself...) I think your Master is brilliantly canon.
Ah, yes! Not a bad title at all. Thanks! I never feel right naming things until they're done (naming this, since it's part 1 in a series, was particularly difficult for me and I still may end up changing the name) and even then names rarely come to me. :/ I'll go add that as the title now though, since seeing so many "UNTITLED"s in my writing journal makes me sad.
I really appreciate your comments on my Master, they give me confidence!! Like I said before, he's so tough and I end up thinking and re-thinking and re-re-thinking how I write him, which is really nerve-wrecking, as I'm sure you know. He's so frustrating, but then, I guess he can't really be any other way. XD
[edited for unnecessary comma]
Yes, I know. D: I suck at titles. The only one I don't hate basically is like, "Sleeper Agent". I actually love that title. And that's about it. Really. D: And I guess this doesn't have a bad title.
yeah. failures. both of us.
Seriously, though, I love this. Your Master is amazing. I could never have written mine if not for yours.
you're too sweets to mes. ♥ thanks one million talk to you later
I may be sweets, but it's only a bi-product of honesty. You just make it so easy.
Enough circle-jerking. I love your writing though and I love this writing in particular.
Give that man some soup.
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