If I could only remember...

Feb 18, 2006 01:13

If I could only remember who the fucking idiots were who told me how biased the film Farenheit 911 was, how when Michael Moore showed daily life in Iraq before the bombing, they claimed there was tender music playing, trying to subtly influence the audience. Well, I'm watching it on cable now, and that's bullshit, just like so much right wing ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

scarletdemon February 18 2006, 13:42:09 UTC
I'm a huge fan of Michael Moore, I think some Americans mistake his efforts to improve America as efforts to trash it.


burning_brain February 18 2006, 18:49:41 UTC
The denial, it is strong with us...


addiejd February 18 2006, 20:38:49 UTC
Fahrenheit 911 was biased, but that doesn't mean that the information was inaccurate. It was biased because it was a piece of persuasive art, and it is impossible to have persuasive art without trying to bias people towards that side (or the other if it is satire). Something being biased doesn't make it wrong, it just means emphasizing the points you think are important and de-emphasizing the points you think are not; Michael Moore was just lucky in that he had an abundant amount of information to work with that favored what he was trying to say ( ... )


burning_brain February 18 2006, 22:37:39 UTC
Rather than beating a dead horse, I think the overwhelming amount of damning evidence is very necessary. For the most part he was preaching to the choir, but I'd like to believe some people who saw the film who did so because they were undecided, and were eventually made to see how our way of life is being subverted and sold off to Bush cronies. In a poll taken before the election, 48% of Bush supporters still believed Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11. That kind of ignorance needs a sledge hammer, not a tap on the shoulder ( ... )


cutedeadgirl February 19 2006, 10:12:47 UTC
Reminfs me I should really get that on DVD and watch it again. It was quite excellent film. I also liked Bowling for Columbine.


schmecky February 20 2006, 18:59:38 UTC
I am here to lure you to the light... Get off those mailing lists. You vote, you're a member of the god organizations... It doesn't do anyone any good for you to be twisted up in rage all the time. Watch The Daily Show and Bill Maher, listen to Left Right and Center and Le Show, you'll get all the news you need and not give yourself indigestion.

Commmmme to the liiiiiiiiiiight...


burning_brain February 20 2006, 20:12:22 UTC
My God, woman... you just rattled off my favorite KCRW programs, and the only TV show I watch religiously. Are you psychic?

Perhaps the mailing lists are overloading my logic board (combined with my current job), but I needs to know about the action alerts and demonstrations. All the righteous anger in the world is worth nothing unless it's acted upon.

Kudos on the icon.


schmecky February 21 2006, 06:43:26 UTC
I admit, I do still get all the action alert emails.

Just promise me you won't watch news on any station you can identify with three letters.

Either I'm psychic, or we're long lost something or others.


heart_songs April 20 2006, 04:40:22 UTC
I don't know you at all. I am one of the damned right winged people who would prefer that you think like I do, or at least I did. As a former Navy girl I was very proud to wear a uniform that I earned the right to wear, and a mom whose motto is, "fuck with me all you want, I can't handle it, but fuck with me...I'll be all over you like white on rice!" Oh and I mean it. I felt very strongly over 9/11 and what to do about it, and still do. We might have barked up the wrong tree, and I'm not convinced we have: but there is a tree we have to find and tear it to shreads, in my humble opinion. Someone messed with me AND my kids and I want something done about it.


heart_songs April 20 2006, 04:42:04 UTC
oops I meant "...fuck with my kids, I'll be all over you like white on rice." LOL I almost typed I'll be all over you like rite on white. I'm a dork.


heart_songs April 20 2006, 04:44:25 UTC
edit edit edit. the quote is...fuck with me all you want, I can handle it...fuck with my kids I'll be all over you like white on rice....see I told you I'm a dork...that can't type.

I should stop now, seems how I don't know you AT ALL.

::slaps myself in the head...just shut up...just shut up


burning_brain April 20 2006, 05:02:09 UTC
I like you. You're funny (no sarcasm, honest).

I sympathize with your anger... I felt much myself after 9/11. But by responding in the wrong way, we're creating future generations of terrorists and condemning our children to a more violent world. When I think of the goodwill we could have created with the hundreds of billions of $$$ spent in Iraq (much of it squandered by war profiteers) I want to pull my brains out...

Not to mention the military people sacrificed for this stupid course of action. We know now that Bush wanted to invade Iraq even before 9/11, and after 9/11, whether he had cause or not. Doesn't that affect your point of view?


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