This is more than a month old information, but thought it is interesting.
On January 2012,
Kida had announced re-staging of one of his popular works on October without revealing its title. His fans had speculated the show must be one of
Puu series,
Tensei Hakken-den or
Shinsei Burimyu. Then on one February night, Kida made several interesting tweets.!/kida4483/status/163597230396289024自分が関わった公演のDVD化や再演希望の声が届くことがよくあります。とてもうれしいですが、DVD化や再演は製作サイドが決めることなので、僕には全くその力はありません(笑)。再演希望!DVD化希望!…と、僕もファンの皆さんと同じように願っています。
I have been receiving requests for DVDs and re-staging of the shows I've done. I am so glad to get them, but producers are the one who decides, and I can do nothing on that matter (lol). I myself wish for re-staging and DVDs just like you fans.!/kida4483/status/163600919106297857先のツイートの続き。僕は作・演出家ではありますが、各公演の企画者ではないので2次展開(再演やDVD化)の決定権は持っていないのです。ちなみに、
Continuing from the last tweet. I am a writer and director, but not the producer for the shows: Therefore, I have no authority over commercial development such as re-staging and making DVDs for sale. FYI, There were plan for re-staging of
Puu series,
Souga and
Tensei Hakken-den. All of them went dead for various reasons, but I would like to be a part of them if there are any plan in the future.
This tweet killed all of the speculated candidates but Shinsei Burimyu, and caused a lot of excitement among the Burimyu fans who had followed him on the twitter.
Then, Kida tweeted again several hours after!/kida4483/status/163661279117066240そろそろ寝ようと思い、なんだか今日はいっぱいつぶやいてしまったとツイートを振り返ってちょいと補足。再演話はBLEACHもあがったことがありまし た。そして、どの公演も様々な事情で流れたと書きましたが、どの公演も「再演話がひんぱんにあがったり消えたりする」というカンジかなと。
I am going to bed, but have to add something on today's tweets. There was plan for re-staging Shinsei Burimyu. And plans for all the shows I've named went dead for various reasons, but I'd say the plan for re-staging for all the titles comes back and goes away every once in a while.
Now, does this mean Kida was being careless and spilled beans, and tried to make up for it later? Or did he just forget to put Shinsei on the list of shows which re-staging plan went dead? Anyway, I am glad to hear that at least Burimyu is not completely ended.