Japan Anime Live!

Aug 07, 2010 05:40

Hey all! I come bearing exciting and baffling news!

For those of you who were unaware, there's an event taking place this fall in various countries around Europe called Japan Anime Live, which will be a combination of anime and live action performances for a handful of popular anime series. And Bleach just so happens to be one of them!

So far, there are a few BuriMyu actors who will be taking part in this, as well as a few new names. The main actors listed are:

Sato Miki as Kuchiki Rukia
Hirata Yuichiro (TeniMyu's 4th cast Kaidoh) presumably as Kurosaki Ichigo?
Kato "Gaku" Manabu (previously a Taiin member) as Abarai Renji
Nawata Yuuya as Kuchiki Byakuya

More info on the event itself is available (in German, English, Spanish, French and Italian, even!) on the website.


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