Tuti Overseas Postcard Project!

Nov 20, 2008 15:40

Tuti Overseas Postcard Project!

In the wake of the phenomenal success of the Nagayan Overseas Postcard Project, I've decided to try our luck again--this time with Tsuchiya Yuuichi!

If you're not familiar with him, Tuti is an amazing guy--funny, an awesome dancer, really outgoing, and a dork with no equal. While he--and the rest of *pnish* as well--knows he's got a few foreign fans based on our presence at shows and such, I suspect it hasn't quite hit home yet that yeah, he's got a foreign fanbase that rivals his Japanese fanbase! So let's change that right now!


Anyone! Everyone! TeniMyu 1st cast fan? Ichimaru fan? Just got linked here by a friend and told to DO THIS? If you've got a pulse and want to let Tsuchiya Yuuichi know what a HUGE overseas fanbase he has, then you, my friend, are who we want to take part!


Postcards postcards postcards! Lots of them, from as many countries and fans as possible. Please limit your submissions to one postcard per person (it doesn't look too good if 5 of his 50 cards are from one person :P).


As soon as possible. I'm hoping to send this to him for his birthday February 6, 2009, and that's cutting it close at less than 3 months. However, I really think we can pull this off, so please just take an hour out of your day and snag a postcard form your local grocery store or post office and drop it in the mail!


To me, fencer_x! I will reply to everyone who leaves a comment on this post with my address, and you just stick that postcard in the mail. I'll take care of the rest ^_^ If you sent a postcard to me for the Nagayan Overseas Postcard Project, it will be to the same address if you still have it (the TOKYO address -- not the Hikone, Shiga one)


Want *pnish* to start shipping their goods overseas? Want them to perform more and more outside of Tokyo? Want them to stop being scared stiff at events because they think they have to speak English (XDDD)? Just think Tuti is THAT awesome and want to let him know? Then send me a postcard! Nothing's going to happen unless he realizes just what a fanbase he has. And since we can't bring him to LJ, we'll bring LJ to him--this is really a chance to show Tuti in a physical sense where his fans are from; we aren't just from Tokyo or Kobe or Kyuushuu or Hokkaido, we're from all over the world, and this will go a little ways towards illustrating that very point :)


First--reply to this post! I'll reply back with a screened comment containing my name and address.

Then, go out and buy a postcard. That simple--everyone has them in their home countries, and they're small enough and standard enough that we can very easily compile them into a book to give to him. Then send that postcard to me, I'll put it into a scrapbook, and send it on to Tuti (unfortunately, I can't hand deliver it this time, as the next handshake event for *pnish* won't be until July 2009 XD).

The Devil's in the details...

So, let's address the nitty gritty!

I need these postcards ASAP. His birthday's in early February, and I still need at least a week or so ahead of time to organize all the cards into a book. Then, of course, I actually have to SEND it to him, which will take a day or two.

Just go to your nearest postcard retailer (which would be local grocery stores, post offices, convenience stores, stationary supply stores--postcards are pretty ubiquitous!) and pick out a fun postcard. It can have anything on it, but one "rule" we'd like you to stick to is: let it be something that illustrates where you come from. The point is to show Tuti how global his fanbase is, so a picture of a pony and a kitty, no matter how cute, will not let the guy know he has a fan in South Africa. Also, it would be nice if somewhere on it in reasonably readable letters was the country/city/state/province name, doesn't matter, anything just to help ^_~

Feel free to include a message on the card--he's going to get these, after all! What do you write? Anything! Japanese if you can (kanji, hiragana), romaji if you can't do that, and English if you must. Tuti's actually relatively adept at reading English, and would probably appreciate the challenge (he's definitely the best and most well-read of the *pnish* members, and seems to have made high marks in English in school, even if he hardly ever uses it now), but don't tax him too much ^_~ Also, I encourage everyone to sign your own name (rather than a penname/nickname), in your native writing system even if possible!

Once you've written your note, address it to me (I'll give you all the pertinent info in a screened comment, so be sure you have your comments set to be emailed to you!), and drop it in the mail! Also, important: once you have sent it, please leave another comment as a reply to your first to say you've done so, and let me know your first name so I can make sure I have everyone's.

Please don't send letters or anything else--JUST POSTCARDS. Letters and such can be addressed to Tuti and sent on to his fan-mail address at your leisure if you feel so motivated. This is just for the Postcard Project.

Also: do NOT put your postcard in an envelope. Half the fun is him being able to see stamps and such from your local post office so it really feels like it's come from far away!

Once I've gotten everyone's cards, I'll compile them into a big scrapbook and that's that! I'll take a picture of the finished product before handing it over, too, so everyone can see the fruits of your labors!

This is a great opportunity for fandom to come together and show Tuti how many fans he has and how many appreciate the great job he's done in his career. Be a part of this group effort to show him something tangible: Gaijin fans LOVE him!!

Postcards are small, cheap, and easy to mail. No one can complain it's too expensive! :P So get to sending!
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