118 Multi-Fandom/Stock/Celebrity Icons/ 8 Banners

Mar 18, 2009 22:38

My latest batch of icons! Including Cold Case, which apparently may get canceled after this season. And I would be very, very sad if that happened ( Read more... )

movie: the secret lives of bees, actress: lenora crichlow, tokenblkgirl, stock, icons, actress: sophie okonedo, television: cold case, actor: wentworth miller, television: being human

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Comments 70

songfire3 March 19 2009, 05:20:31 UTC
Lovely! I'm taking the BH banners, will credit of course!


tokenblkgirl March 19 2009, 05:27:07 UTC
Thanks so much, I'm glad you like them! :D


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tokenblkgirl March 19 2009, 14:03:11 UTC
Thank you so much! I love her too, and her dimples are adorable, aren't they?


_vivrant March 19 2009, 07:41:50 UTC
saved 5 & 6, thank you!


tokenblkgirl March 19 2009, 14:03:49 UTC
Thank you so much, I'm happy you like them. :D


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tokenblkgirl March 19 2009, 14:04:42 UTC
Thank you for commenting, I'm do glad you like them!


hetairai March 19 2009, 12:02:21 UTC
Taking 10 and 104!


tokenblkgirl March 19 2009, 14:05:17 UTC
Isn't Sophie adorable? Thanks so much, I'm so glad you like them!


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