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Comments 7

"An Ember in the Dark" - Louis L'Amour burgunder June 7 2009, 16:22:47 UTC
Faintly, along the shadowed shores of night
I saw a wilderness of stars that flamed
And fluttered as they climbed or sank, and shamed
The crouching dark with shyly twinkling light;
I saw them there, odd fragments quaintly bright,
And wondered at their presence there unclaimed,
Then thought, perhaps, that they were dreams unnamed,
That faded slow, like hope's arrested flight.

Or vanished suddenly, like futile fears -
And some were old and worn like precious things
That youth preserves against encroaching years -
Some disappeared like songs that no man sings,
  But one remained - an ember in the dark -
  I crouched alone, and blew upon the spark.


"A Handful of Stars" - Louis L'Amour burgunder June 7 2009, 20:44:12 UTC
Give me, O Night, a blessing
Of peace and a handful of stars -
Give me, O Dawn, a beginning,
New life, and a healing of scars;
Give me, O Day, a freshening
Of spirit, and warmth in the sun -
Give me, O Earth, of thy bounty,
Strength for the task I've begun.

Leave me, O Night, of your stillness
A calm for my inward soul -
Leave me a breath of your darkness
To cool me, and keep me whole;
Leave me the wind in the willows
The roll of the surf and the sea -
Leave me, Beloved, my memories
Of dreams you have given to me.


"Banked Fires" - Louis L'Amour burgunder June 7 2009, 20:46:07 UTC
I shall remember when my days are few
The twilight of a narrow, winding road;
The slender silver moon that days corrode;
The star that lent its loveliness to you.
The arching of a dream across the years -
I shall remember with the slow-winged night
The shadow of your hair against the light
Of locust trees abloom with frosted tears.

I shall remember when my fires are low,
The way you looked at me; the words you used;
The fragrance of your hurried breath, till lo,
Through all the pain of love our spirits fused.
I shall remember when my fires cease
Your heart against my own - for that was peace.


"Question" - Louis L'Amour burgunder June 7 2009, 21:15:23 UTC
Here's to the lands untraveled
And the roads I've never known,
To the high, lost lakes in the mountains
The islands that linger alone;
Here's to the hands I've never held,
And the lips I've never kissed -
To all the things I might have done,
And all the things I've missed.
Here's to the eyes that look into mine,
To the urge that's burning bright;
For my pulse beats strong and my heart is warm,
And ... what are you doing tonight?


"A Wail from a Pulpeteer" - Louis L'Amour burgunder June 7 2009, 21:18:36 UTC
If I could end this servitude
To need for coin, so gross and lewd,
I'd face the world with fortitude
No doubt.

If I had four and twenty blonds
A diamond and a stack of bonds,
Some caviar, and beer in ponds
I'd flout.

Inferior scum who write for cash
Neglect their "art" and deal in trash,
And from my pen they'd feel the lash
Of blame.

In pleasant comfort, quite content,
I'd sit secure - and scorn I'd vent
While they wrote tripe to pay the rent
Of shame.

I'd lash those literary lice
With patronizing "good advice"
I'd wreck their pulpy paradise
And write

Of "selling souls" and "prostitution" -
With violent words and elocution
I'd demand their bloody execution -
The blight!

But all the phrases that I sculp
Are buried in some woody pulp
And as my weary sobs I gulp
I try

To scratch out stories for my meat,
And just perhaps a Sunday treat
For Nature tells me I must eat -
But Why?


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