And it's over...

Jan 28, 2009 23:49

I just finished the last book in the twilight saga.

Le sigh.

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Comments 5

pastelhearts January 30 2009, 00:24:10 UTC
it starts playing at the cheapie theater tomorrow!

you know you want some hot Edward Cullen action :)


burgandysky January 30 2009, 02:46:05 UTC
sweet! want to go to the first showing?! Sorry I can't make bridewars tonight. I've got a massive headache. Thanks for the invite, though!


pastelhearts January 30 2009, 16:13:08 UTC
i would if it were earlier than 12:45 but i'm officially on call for whenever Erik gets a pocket of time from work so we can go sign our lease and get our keys. i know i made you swear to watch it with me but i give you permission to see it without me since for me, it would be too much to resist. you should still see it today if you're dying to. otherwise Ashly and i are planning to see it sometime next week. probably tues. or wed. i totally understand if you can't hold out though. Bride Wars was cute, and somewhat different than i expected for some reason. ♥


mackiesmama February 2 2009, 05:51:32 UTC
Bummer I wish I could have tagged along! I miss you guys and the ghetto movies! :(


burgandysky February 2 2009, 18:35:04 UTC
aw. We still haven't gone if that makes you feel better! lol


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