So, I think people should take a second and answer a few questions and see if your assmentment matchs mine. I have to admit I'm pleased that I'm a wildcat.
I'm not sure if I am a leader, but I am most certianly mouthy and bossy.
Dusty is a good cat. He killed a mouse and brought it to me. The mouse was brown and dead. He found it in my room. I think the mouse was named harold. He looked like a harold. Oh god my eyes hurt.
I have a new sweetie in my life. George is all cowlicks, orange and white and soooo sweet. He loves carrots, hay and might actully be a girl. Who knows? Maybe I'll get some pictures up. I love ginea pigs.
I might wander back to the land of elljay. I don't know yet. I think I'd also like to make nice with all the people I've pissed off. For better or for worse, heres courtny.