Here are a few photo's I have taken the past year. The first one was taken with a cannon SD400. All the others are Nikon D40. Constructive criticism please. I don't go to school, I just really like photography.
like the poster above said, a lot of these look like snap shots. the subjects would be a lot more interesting if they were shot differently. i'd start by working with the 'rule of thirds' to amp up your composition.
also, try shooting from different angles besides from straight on. this will help take away from the 'snapshot feel'. it's interesting to see subjects from different point of views that we wouldn't normally see just with our eyes (like up high, low, etc). just mess around a little!
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Keep shooting; experience is a great way to learn. Also, focus more on post processing (editing).
also, try shooting from different angles besides from straight on. this will help take away from the 'snapshot feel'. it's interesting to see subjects from different point of views that we wouldn't normally see just with our eyes (like up high, low, etc). just mess around a little!
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