Earlier, I was musing over the debacle of the live streaming of the Hugo Awards ceremony - the service provider, ustream, cut off the webcast
part way through Neil Gaiman's acceptance speech for alleged "copyright violations", apparently because their automated systems for trapping copyright violations were triggered by the video clips provided by
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Comments 11
Yeah, I suspect that UStream is not long for a future as a result of this foul-up.
As for your name joke...where's the Royal Canadian Air Farce Chicken Cannon? I want to borrow it for a mission of vengeance.
Yeah, I suspect that UStream is not long for a future as a result of this foul-up.
You are kidding right? It's barely a blip in the water as far as ustream is concerned. There big money is things like streaming presidential converage, what do they care about pissing off 100 Hugo watchers?
This glitch happens right in the middle of a Gaiman speech? That's not going to get traction on a wider scale?
From what I can gather from the tweeters (I had given up in annoyance on the ustream feed about 5 minutes before they got to Neil Gaiman's acceptance because of the combo of laggy display (an issue on my end) and annoying ads with ramped up volume interrupting the streaming (on their end)
I heard he did a good speech.
The small fragment of Jo's speech that I "heard" (people tweeting) was completely in character too, I could here her saying it when I read the tweets:
On your original topic, maybe they could switch names. Neil can become Neil Fucking Palmer, and Amanada can become Amanda Fucking Gaiman.
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