Character Entry: Chelsea Jennings

Jul 05, 2010 22:24

Hello everybody *coughlulucough*

I thought it would be interesting to write down all the information I have on one of my characters. I'm choosing Chelsea Jennings my Pendeogan which a race of characters that Jubilation's on DeviantArt created for this little project because Chelsea is such a lovely deary that has a lot of information about her which won't come out to the public if I just wait to draw it out since I am lazy and I think I lack the skills to draw it out properly (at the moment).

To begin with Chelsea was created late 2007-early 2008. In the beginning she was dumb as a box of rocks with big boobs and an addiction to stuffed animals. A little later the Pendeoclub at DA was created and Chelsea had to have a real addiction that didn't involve shoving plush toys down her ample front. Somehow I got the idea of her being a love addicted but that was nicked because the Pendeoclub wanted a real addiction and I had no way to prove love was addictive so the closest thing to love was sex.

Well....that was awkward, how was I suppose to have a character addicted to sex when I had little information on that subject. Sure there was the internet but that would be humiliating to be caught on those websites and to tell you the truth I don't really want to go trolling on porno sites...thats kind of gross. So I'm stuck with a character that's addicted to sex with no idea how to deal her so I turn to my V.C Andrews novels. First off if you don't know anything about V.C Andrews books they are fulled with beautiful rich girls/beautiful poor girls turned rich girls that have tragic/abusive pasts and have many love interests and sex. A perfect source to get inspired...

Picture Time!

Okay, enough with the pictures but there might be more, so I can't promise they won't crop up. Or maybe this journal should be filled with PICTURES! Yay....okay okay enough of the picture back to Chelsea. I guess the best song to sum up Chelsea's life with her actual parents is The Little Girl by John Michael Montgomery.

Chelsea's mom in the nicest words was a whore but she had an addiction to sex so she really couldn't help it. She had many lovers but there was one person that she wouldn't turn her back on and it was her childhood friend, Chelsea's father. His addiction was alcohol and as you can imagine their household was unpleasant at times with the fighting but no matter how bad the situation got either of them left each other out of fear of being alone.

Chelsea was born in this environment on June 1 and even thou she was loved by both of her parents, their addictions were number one on the hearts and minds. On a hot summer night when Chelsea was three a fight got out of hand and her father shot her mother in a jealous rage then proceeded to turn the gun on himself, leaving Chelsea alone in this world.

However, Chelsea didn't have to wait long before somebody snatched her up. One of her mother's lovers that was totally in love/obsessed with her saved Chelsea from being a ward of the state by adopting her. He did this mainly for the selfish reason of having something of Chelsea's mother with him forever. Sure this sounds creepy but he treated Chelsea like she was his daughter all throughout her childhood.

If Chelsea looked back on her life she would say her childhood was one of the best times of her life. She had many things most kids did not have. She never had to worry about not having Christmas presents under the tree because her adoptive father was well off in life. She never had to have dinner alone or go to bed without a goodnight kiss since he always came home at a reasonable time to take care of her. In fact Chelsea cannot remember a time when he yelled or became angry with her during her whole childhood.

This ended when she was fourteen...

During New Year's Eve when Chelsea was fourteen years old her adoptive father was invited out to a party but he promised Chelsea he would return before midnight so they can celebrate the New Year together. Chelsea watched TV on the sofa, waiting for the New Year to arrive. Chelsea fell asleep sometime in the night but she woke up to the soft light of the TV and her adoptive father watching her from the doorway.

He was acting weird, calling her by a name she never heard of before (her mother's name), saying confusing things to her and smelled of alcohol...Before she knew it her adoptive father was too close to her and touching her inappropriately on her chest and by her thighs. He was kissing her and pleading with her not to leave him. Then he forced himself on her, in the living room with the soft glow of the tv showing people celebrating the New Year, as the only witness to the act.

After that day, everything changed in their relationship. Chelsea's adopted father started distancing himself from Chelsea. He no longer came home after work right away and he did not talk to Chelsea as much, in fact in did not even mention the incident. Chelsea was saddened by her sudden abandonment more than about her rape. She still cared and loved her adopted father and craved his attention since she had no one else. She started blaming herself about the incident. She could have pushed him off if she tried, she thought. She could have screamed, maybe that would have snapped him out of it... The more she blamed herself the sadder she became. Why can't things go back to the way they were before?

The depression she felt was not the only thing Chelsea had to deal with...There was a new feeling in her body. It screamed and pleaded with her...please, please, PLEASE. I want more...and it scared her. It scared her so bad...decent girls do not want this feeling, THIS CRAVING. Decent girls will wait till they are married. But she can't wait if she waits this feeling; this burning feeling will rip her in two...

To be Continued

character entry, chelsea jennings

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