Pregnant Ducks and Other Randomness

Aug 10, 2008 08:24

1)  What do you call a pregnant duck?  I mean, isn't the word "pregnant" only used for live birth?  And what if the duck gives birth (?) to an empty egg.  You know.  Like the eggs we eat.  Eggs without chicks inside.  So if a duck is "pregnant" with an empty egg, it's not really pregnant since there isn't a chick inside the egg right?

2)  There's ( Read more... )

random, i need more money

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Comments 21

jin_no_yume August 10 2008, 16:00:23 UTC
hahah why are you curious about ducks pregnancy, Christine? XD

Ah, nice~ fanmeet! I've never been able to go to one, since they don't make these things here ;____;
So you're taking your driving lessons? I got my driving license in May :DDD

I need more money too, it's never enough XDDDD

CB is really getting interesting, though I almost died with some scenes in that episode D:

I fail with HTML too ;____;

Ah, you'll sure find another shopping friend! ^__^


bunnyrabbit23 August 10 2008, 16:04:31 UTC
because i THINK i saw a pregnant duck. it had like a little egg shaped bulge on its stomach.

but you have friends to fangirl with, right? yep. i'm going to take driving lessons.

a new shopping friend wont be the same. DX. but i guess ill get used to it.


jin_no_yume August 10 2008, 17:47:51 UTC
Yep, I have, but she lives too far away from me~ ;________;


theahhmoment August 10 2008, 18:13:56 UTC
So you're not gonna go to the fan-meet after all uh? That sucks. =( I will post some pictures and show ya!

Holy cow, that thing you're buying is hella expensive. Is it really worth it? I think if you use cleanser that's under $10, you'll still have great skin. My friend uses Clean and Clear and she has super smooth skin. Maybe you should just save that $195 to spend it on JE stuff! Haha.

I watched ep 1 of Code Blue. You're up to ep 5 already? Yeah school is taking up most of my time. I like how Yamapi is so smart in the show but he doesnt like to prove himself that much. Just my thought on ep 1. =P


bunnyrabbit23 August 10 2008, 20:12:18 UTC
yes please do! show me how crazy you guys get!

yeah, i'm still thinking about it. i hate to admit it, but i have terrible skin, acne scars and acne. i've tried clean and clear before. it doesn't work T__T.

haha i think of pi as "the reluctant hero" sometimes XP.


theahhmoment August 10 2008, 20:31:45 UTC
I use "Paulas Choice" for my face. I think it works pretty well. Compare to a year ago, my acne dont come out as much. XD They use to have the kit that costs around $89, but I dont see it on the site anymore. They also have trial size for pretty cheap(like 50 cents). I use trial size to tried out the product before buying the whole bottle. Maybe you can try it out. =)

Oh, and I heard this stuff is pretty good too. Olive oil is good for your skin. I might try it out next time.


bunnyrabbit23 August 10 2008, 20:39:25 UTC
ok i'm going to look at it. thanks XD. i think your skin might have gotten better because you're out of your teen years though. how long does the bottle last?

oh yeah. olive oil. i used to put extra virgin olive oil on my face. it was moisturizing, but messy :(


kamecchi August 10 2008, 19:53:44 UTC
To link to a website using a picture, you use this!

... )


kamecchi August 10 2008, 19:59:18 UTC
Whoops, didn't show up. Hm. How about this.

(a href="insert link to website here"(img src="insert link of the picture here"(/a)

Replace those parentheses with those < and > signs in their respective places!


kamecchi August 10 2008, 19:59:57 UTC
I FORGOT, DAAAAMN. I forgot that parentheses after the a href thing. Well, you'll understand... RIGHT?


bunnyrabbit23 August 10 2008, 20:14:31 UTC
i dont get it ;_:. do it again! please?

haha if she moved to new york, then we'd all be like "LUCKY!!"


stardustii August 10 2008, 23:01:17 UTC
loool pregnant ducks? :)
you're so random! <33


bunnyrabbit23 August 11 2008, 15:55:56 UTC
haha yeah XD. i have my random moments.

oh, add me on aim!


stardustii August 12 2008, 00:57:33 UTC
whee i added you! :)


dogangel22 August 13 2008, 02:47:16 UTC
hey try this:

really cheap like 50 to 60 dollars and apparently it really works. im going to get some as well, i dont have acne BUT if they are giving discounts to people who have used proactiv and didnt like it AND have such a strong warranty, it is definitely worth checking out.


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