I finally fixed all the broken links around here~ So now I can post new stuff. :D
stalkerbunnyfandom: Doctor Who
characters/pairings: Shalka!Doctor/Shalka!Master, Alison Cheney, Delgado!Master, Ainley!Master, Simm!Master, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Turlough as a sad pomeranian.
warnings: Ask blog arts contain one vague reference to possible alcoholism/
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Comments 11
I also did the portraits around that time, actually.
Also, once when I talked about having read that, someone told me they'd heard that poodles are sometimes employed as sort of... covert bodyguard dogs by celebrities or even spies, because they're really smart and can be trained to, say, attack someone from a random trigger phrase. No idea if that has actually happened, but it's a pretty cool story, anyway.
so tldr: I repeat. Three is a poodle.
"Double-O-Who? Jon Pertwee's secret life as a wartime agent... years...
The actor, who died in 1996 aged 76, was a senior intelligence agent during the Second World War and reported directly to Winston Churchill."--Poodle = SO TRUE. Also, I hope there were MANY speed boat chases.
That said, while I did get and LOVE a lot of them, I'm afraid there were a few I missed or was unsure about. Perhaps a little visual key would help?
Love the detail work on the clothes!
Can I ask, what are the hats all about? Expressions in the Survival piece for the win, though!
Also, I probably should have... I did try to mark out all the Doctors with little numbers (or a big S) in case of Shalka!Doctor!cat) behind them, should have done that for all of them, I guess...
Basically, mostly it's just A!Master!Cat as the pudgy one (once with cheetah spots painted on), the longhaired one with a white chest is D!Master!Cat and the angular one with tuxedo pattern is Shalka!Master!Cat. (And the one in the lower right on the first was supposed to be Simm!Master but it kind of failed in likeness so let's not talk about it I'D ( ... )
Btw I love puli!Alison SO MUCH.
It is brilliant without context, but that is also ace. ...not Ace. You know.
Anyway, the cat on the stairs would be Shalka!Master!cat. Assume this is Alison's first time on the Tardis. x3
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