[ARASHI] Empty, G

Jan 03, 2007 00:07

Title: Empty
Fandom: Arashi
Pairing: Ohno-centric
Rating: G
Warnings: angst, character death
Disclaimer: Not mine! I don't own them at all and they are all their own person. Even if I want them all to myself
AN: I was feeling a bit melancholy and this came out. Thanks to lady_gemma for letting me splatter this ficlet at her and beta-ing it. Comments welcomed.

Ohno slumped against the couch, drained from his day.

Today. So many memories.

He tilted his head, resting it against the back of the sofa and stared at the ceiling. Empty silence surrounding and inside him.

Even the ghosts dared not come close to him, leaving him to his own thoughts.

The somber black of his suit both jarred and suited him. The starkness paling his complexion that could compare to Jun's or Sho's, if their complexion wasn't equally drained by the darkest of black.

His mind, usually active with vibrant colours swirling around equally electric characters in his mind, was still. It was as if everything and everyone didn't know how to approach him, like they did in high school and he was incredibly focused on drawing and they crowded quietly around him, never touching.


Oh, how he missed it.

Missed the joy and the sure knowledge that he was there. Missed how the smallest rub or caress made him happy. That made him realize that it was time for lunch. Or even time for practice. Or time for snuggling.

He didn't want to be alone. Yet, he did.

He stood up abruptly and left the stifling loneliness in his apartment, heading to their secret spot.

Solitude accompanied him on the train, his expression blank and his eyes shadowed, with pain, longing, and something undefinable. The soft calling of the exit made his eyes snap up, focusing long enough to slide through the double doors and out through the train station until he reached the entrance.

He walked up the stairs, taking them quickly, half dazed expectations of seeing him there bubbling against the surface of his tightly held control.

The familiar sight greeted him but without his partner standing there, in any of his moods. His heart squeezed further as he realized he brought the stifling loneliness with him, to their secret spot where he will no longer wait, where there would be no laughter nor cries of "Oh-chan!".

Staggering slowly to the very spot where they last stood, he knelt, wrapping thin arms around himself as tears wet the ground beneath him.


Aiba's soft voice floated near him, penetrating through his daze. "Captain."

He looked up, towards Aiba, eyes widening before scrunching up with tears.

The warm weight of Aiba's arm fell lightly around his shoulders, pulling him to Aiba's comforting embrace, the tears on Aiba's face evident as Jun and Sho hovered close by, their faces equally wet and solemn.

They knelt next to him, around him, mourning with him.

Sho pulled out a small game, laying it in the middle of the circle gently. "I'd thought you might like this one." He spoke to the space next to him, the space between himself and Aiba.

He looked up, forcing himself to look at where he should be, his heart aching with the need to see him again.

His eyes widened.

In between Aiba and Sho, his figure was blurry, slowly solidifying into a visible transparent ghost.

He gripped Jun's hand, a sharp inhaled breath the only sign that the others received.

"Ah. Captain. Still an emotional sap as ever." Nino replied, his smile fond and his gaze lingering.

He smiled softly, sweetly, sadly and simply said, "I miss you."

jemz, gen, g, arashi

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