Title: Strike a Pose
Fandom: Ya-Ya-Yah
Rating: G
Pairings: Ya-Ya-Yah all love each other.
Warnings: Fluff. I like to give you cavities.
Disclaimer: Don't know the boys in real life nor is the story true.
AN: for
mousapelli who demanded Taiyo fic in return for that really hot RyoPINShoon that she is writing for me. Written over IM.
Posing is hard work! )
Comments 34
And hey, I got some advice how not to look so awkward in photos. Thanks. XD
Heee! Shoon's method always works for him! :D
Ya3 is adorable. Awwww.
Thanks for reading!
"No what ifs! Just do it!" Yabu commanded.
uhh. commanding!yabu is surprisingly hot. and of course taiyo LISTENS AND JUST DOES IT.
Taiyo nodded and leaned against the chair, slouching like the photographer had told him to and stared. At Hikaru. Who held his gaze and then crossed his eyes until they both burst into laughter.
Yabu groaned and planted his face into Shoon's shoulder.
the fact that i can see this happening IRL makes it so much better, somehow. i just. i don't know. it's cute and funny and stupid and so, so cute, i just ;klsjakl;dj. srsly.
"AHHHHH!!!!" Hikaru yelled, pointing at Taiyo's face. "HE DID IT!"
Yabu leaned forward over Shoon's shoulder and smiled, pulling back so he could dance happily in a tiny Ya-Ya-Yah circle with Hikaru around them.
okay, see above. what the hell! i want to dance in a ya-ya-yah circle!
"Ya-Ya-Yah is the best."
oh god. you kill me with your cuteness. and i don't mind. (way to go sneaking in the keita ref, btw XD *loves*)
alkjf;af. I love that scene the most. Where Taiyo just tries and tries to look seductive and fails and all of Ya3 are trying to help him out and oh, the failure until Shoon says something and then Taiyo gets it right and they all celebrate like dorks that they are!
*revives* Heeee. I had to add in the Keita reference. I adore him and would probably stick in Ryohei and Ryuichi too if I could. Ya3 are completely cute together and mousapelli and I have been flailing over their cuteness.
<3 Thank you for reading!!! *rolls around in comment*
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