
Dec 09, 2008 03:34

Title: Something to Come Home To
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino
Pairing: InoSaku
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: It's nice having something to come home to after a hard day's work.
Notes: Written for femslash100 prompt "home".

She’s covered in blood and sweat and grime, but so tired that she barely notices. Noticing would mean bathing before falling into bed, but there’s no need to slay the dragon that isn’t in the room.

“Oh, ew,” Ino says, nose wrinkling as she sets eye on Sakura. “Forehead, you’re totally disgusting.”

“Some of us get our hands dirty for a living, pig,” Sakura snarls back, almost collapsing from the effort.

She closes her eyes and sways on her feet, and suddenly Ino is there supporting her--muttering about getting her new outfit dirty, but supporting her all the same.

genre: general, fandom: naruto, character: haruno sakura, character: yamanaka ino, ship: inosaku

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