Ficlet | Going Mad

Apr 27, 2009 20:34

Title: Going Mad
Author: attilatehbun
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Dean Thomas/Luna Lovegood
Rating: PG
Word Count: <1000
Contains: slight crackiness
Summary: Dean couldn't possibly be seeing what he thinks he's seeing.
Prompt: Dean/Luna, stray cat
Author's Notes: For shiiki for her guess on my Wordles ages ago.


Dean was clearly going mad.

That was the only explanation.

He rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hand, as if doing this a third time would somehow change what he was seeing. It didn't, so he tried a fourth time, just to be sure.

So when he opened his eyes for the fifth time, and the tiny seal-point kitten was still sitting on Luna's pillow, staring at him with eerily familiar blue eyes, he knew. He was going mad.

The kitten chose that moment to mewl, almost in agreement, and licked Dean's nose.

Dean tried blinking again. When that didn't work, he sat up and leaned back against the headboard. He reached down and gently lifted the little kitten up to his face. It blinked its slightly protuberant eyes and goddammit, it really looked as if it could see right through him. He would have rubbed his eyes again if his hands weren't filled with kitten.

"You can't possibly," he started. "I mean-- she's not-- she would've told me."

The kitten continued to stare solemnly at him, and did not seem to blink as much as other kittens he'd known.

"If you-- If Luna-- If she, buggering hell, pronouns-- If Luna was an Animagus, she would have told me. Unless she forgot," Dean said. "You forgot," he amended, and really suddenly felt like banging his head against something.

The kitten reached out and touched Dean's face with one tiny paw and he groaned. "Hell, you really are Luna, aren't you?" he said. The kitten predictably, said nothing.

"Right, well, leaving aside the possibility that you are an Animagus and forgot to tell me, because I reckon you'd have switched back by now, that leaves some kind of accident or curse." Dean gently arranged the kitten in his lap and tried not to stare at it too much, because he really only had about a thread of sanity left, and he wanted to add a few more before he went about snapping the ones he'd got.

"Did you get cursed? Were you experimenting? What?" he asked. Then he squeezed his eyes shut and dropped his head against the wall with a sound thonk. "Why am I expecting you to be able to tell me?"

He sat for a few more moments with his hands over his face as his brain ran in circles around the Tranfiguration books he read in school and promptly forgot all about. Then he picked up the kitten, who was purring merrily by now, and held it in front of his face. Insanity was frankly the only option left to him at this point, and he didn't like doing things by halves.

"Fine. I'll just. I will find someone to take you to who can figure this all out. Seamus-- no bloody way, one lewd joke and I'm liable to hex his bollocks right off. Neville. Maybe. But he was always pants at Tranfiguration anyway, and he'd likely be too nervous to do more than bluster." He paused to let the little kitten try and smack at his face again. "Hermione's on her honeymoon, and your dad would just want to study you. Sod it all."

He dropped his head back again and didn't realize he was squeezing the kitten - Luna - until she let out a teeny mewp. He let her down and she promptly began washing her face with one paw.

"There has got to be an answer," he said to the ceiling.

"Answer to what?" Luna said.

"Trying to make you not a kitten anymore," Dean said wearily. Then he said, "Wait, what?"

He looked up and there was Luna, standing in the bedroom doorway, draped with scarves and carrying her market bag. The kitten was still a light weight in his lap. Dean gaped.

As he gaped, Luna the obviously human being dropped her bag onto the foot of the bed and began unwrapping scarves. She was apparently oblivious to Dean's surprise. "I was a kitten? That sounds nice, did I like it?" she said as Dean opened and closed his mouth and stared between her and the kitten.

"I-- You-- But you were just. Where did this come from then?" he stammered, gesturing at the kitten, more at a loss than he had been in quite some time, with Luna.

"Oh, you found wee Bran! I'm so happy you seem to be getting along; Ginny's kneazle had kittens, and she offered me first pick."

Dean's brain jumped around a lot and finally settled on the completely the wrong bit of what she'd just said. "It's a boy kitten?"

"Of course," Luna said. She reached over Dean's lap and plucked up the kitten, who was now looking far less solemn and far more insolent to Dean's eyes. "See?" She turned him over and pointed at was clearly tiny feline male equipment. "Why, what did you think had happened?"

Dean shook his head and let out a relived burst of laughter. "I-- Nothing. Nothing at all."

"Oh, good then," she said, smiling. She gave Bran a kiss on his furry head and let him back down on the bed. She followed suit, climbing into the bed and arranging herself across Dean's knees.

"I brought breakfast back from the market," she said, as Dean idly ran his fingers through her hair.

"Hmm." Dean paused, because there was one last thing from that strange morning that he still needed to get clear. "Luna, if you were an Animagus, you'd tell me, right?"

Luna shifted to curl up closer to him. "Of course I would, Dean. If you didn't know, I could hardly expect you to be one with me, could I?"

And because that made as much sense as anything else, Dean laughed and simply said, "No, I suppose not."


genre:humor, ficlet:hp, character:luna.lovegood, genre:crack, ficlet, character:dean.thomas, ship:luna/dean, title:going mad, fandom:hp, hp, 2009, genre:het

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