I'm imagining a quirky series of children's books, called The Bunns, about the quirky and eccentric extended family of Bunns, who all live quirky and eccentric lives in Bunnville, and get together monthly for quirky and eccentric family gatherings. Each book would slightly advance the over-arching plot concerning the Secret of the Bunns*, but would for the most part follow the adventures of that volume's chosen Bunn, whose deeds would be recounted in flashback. It would be widely praised for its wide-ranging originality. In what other series could you have one book about intrepid mammoth-unearthing, another on decision science, and another about the cut-throat business of making coffee machines?
Or maybe I'm just influenced by having just finished reading a book about a quirky and eccentric family of Zings with a Zing Family Secret, and the world is temporarily reshaping itself to fit itself around the book, as the world is wont to do.
Comments 5
Or maybe I'm just influenced by having just finished reading a book about a quirky and eccentric family of Zings with a Zing Family Secret, and the world is temporarily reshaping itself to fit itself around the book, as the world is wont to do.
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