Austen & Heller Legacy - 5.5

May 01, 2016 22:43

I'm no longer a student, so it means I don't really have time for updates. Not that being a student I updated any more often. Well I'm sort of blazing through the game itself (bit of a race against time before my computer truly becomes obsolete) but I hope to finish my legacy either next year or the year after.


Who's in the house:
Oklahoma (Gen 5 heir) and husband Phil
-her father Holden (Gen 4 heir) and stepmother Joy
-her newborn triplets Zekrom, Yvetal and Xerneas

As an ambitious woman, Oklahoma goes to work the next day riiiight after having triplets.

All good, the butler can handle...right?

Holden has had his share of babies. Ah the joys of being old.

Also the joy of being young.

Joy is home and top of her career. Congratulations!

Birthday time!

Oklahoma: Oh man you guys cheated



And certainly not least, Xerneas!

The triplets being adorble.

Zekrom and his cute eyes...

Joy, probably feeling a bit of an outsider decided to invite her son over...only for him to not remember her :'(
It's okay, slow road to recovery

And don't worry, to Xerneas she's her real grandmother.

Zekrom getting hugs from papa.

Yvetal has some alone time.

The parents avoid all responsibility to have some fun...

Sneaky kisses out of view...

Xerneas saves her bottle!

Noooo responsibility

Alright back to cuteness..

Finally some peace and quiet.

Oklahoma changes career yet again! Looking nice yeah?

Oh thank goodness finally no more toddlers. I think the guy in the background don't like toddlers either...



A little bit late for Zekrom,

But he grows up all the same.

The Oklahomaholden blob, master cleaner robot

All the counters at the kitchen were taken up by cake, so the butler makes food in an upstairs bathroom...

Next day at the shops for some new clothes. Hi Zekrom!

The other two run off to take a photo.

Yvetal and Xerneas!


Who's in the house:
Minnesota (Gen 5 Austen heir) and husband Alon
-Her mother Cadillac (Gen 4 heir) and father Derek
-Her daughter Altaria

The butler (who seems to live forever eh) feeds Altaria.

Minnesota takes some rest.

Take it while you can, looks like another is one the way!

Oh crap she got demoted. At least not fired...

Altaria grows up!

And dressed in some nicer clothing by grandma.

Ooops I forgot about the pets. Two puppies, Chrom and Lissa!


Altaria is very vocal about her needs.


And Cadillac is back at the top (so realistic right)

Alon finally appears. Training in the morning.

Peaceful times.

Puppies are growing up!

Oh my. Hi Chrom.

And Lissa...who is as colourful.

Babby time!!

Triplets omg. In order of appearance Finneon (boy), Chikorita and Cyndaquil (girls)

The baby room is all set up!

Basilio grows old :(


Chrom is so adorable omg.

So much peace.

The adults are napping too.

Cadillac's peace takes the form of gardening.

No more toddlers (for now). Happy birthday Altaria!

Altaria: Oooh fine motor skills!

When I said no toddlers for now I meant for 2 minutes. Here we go...

Altaria quickly retreats to her room and goes to bed.

Growing up Finneon comes with thick winter jackets.

Woot woot


and Chikorita.

A bit of change to Cyndy's hair.

Have to feed pet babies after dealing with human babies.

All three having fun.

Cadillac compacts all her flower crafts into a tiny box and gives it to Utah, who will sell it at his flower shop.

And Emmeryn and Lissa. Too many to deal with in this house. They will go to another loving home :)


Top of another career (which happens to be her dream one)

Time for some celebration ;)

Chrom is soooo excited to be hugged!

Uh oh abort abort abort *cereal flies out*

Awww Cyndaquil gives a little kiss maybe it was so not bad after all.

Seeking more affection.

None of the triplets had elf ears so...more babies...sorry Minnesota...

School time. Altaria keeps to herself mostly.

Another shot of the toddler room (I quite like it...)


She's quite happy about it!

~90 pics under cut

austen, legacy, heller

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