Updating very slowly this month...this update started on October 8th, see how long it takes. Very busy this month, but short sims breaks helps the stress a lot. Anyway, this is, once again, the traditional death dorm chapter. Survival of the fittest sim!
Look! A scrolley scroll family tree! (Recent 2 generations only; Codevy got cut off haha)
First contestant to move in, Pennsylvania!
This is the new dorm for where the games will take place, known as Polychrome. There's also an identical (less dangerous) version of this lot which I called Monochrome because it's in black and white and I dunno how to make up good names.
Joining very shortly are 6 other starting contestants! (This dorm can only fit 7 sims at a time). They are:
- Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia & Wyoming of the Main Austen family
- Colorado of the Main Heller family
- Hito & Kolme from Codevy/Dagmar's family
Super scrolly family tree shall come in handy hopefully (yes I am shameless)
For once most of their outfits were pretty decent, but they all go out to the clothes boutique anyway. And wow, we got a pair already. Kolme and Penny are super quick at getting it on!
Not a day has gone passed and they've reach hot tub stage.
Unbeknownst to them, some first signs of danger in this dormitory. Luckily it was put out very quickly by the rain.
Colorado marveling at Wyoming's ability to turn his mouth into a trumpet.
Penny and Kolme are STILL hogging that hot tub.
They're aren't the only ones...what have we here Michigan and Hito?
Are you hungry or are you ~hungry~, Hito? ;) Too bad Michigan is too busy to notice.
Now that Michigan is no longer busy...Hito is too busy to notice.
So I had Colorado bring along with him all his er, 'wonderful' kite creations. Georgia is excited to try it out!
....very excited.
Casualty #01: Georgia
Cause of death: Hunger
Wyoming: Now that I've seen death, I feel smarter at how to keep myself alive. Do not play with Colorado's kites.
He then proceeds to prod the fire in a room with a large carpet. He got lucky, don't worry.
So a dormie moved in now that there was a vacancy. Except I don't really want dormies to die.
Since I cannot access walls or fences...I made do with this! Don't be so upset dormie I'm trying to save your life.
Not so lucky for the contestants though. The centre easel is removed whenever a dormie is in not danger.
Welp, pre-emptive farewell, Wyoming.
Hito and Michigan can FINALLY use the hot tub!! And no, mascot is not allowed to join them.
Oh yeahhhh.
Casualty #02: Wyoming
Cause of death: Drowning
Penny/Kolme takes back the hot tub! And I dunno what the social bunny is here clearly they're both getting all the social needs they need.
Social bunny: But...I can juggle!! Look at meeeee
Social bunny: Clearly I'm not needed....byeee
Enter new contestants!
Tennessee (Main Austen) and Arizona (Main Heller). They are getting along veryyyyyy wellllll already.
It's boo season!
It's also hot tub season...although every season is hot tub season.
It's also fall season...which means a lot of leaves that need cleaning up.
Penny thinks otherwise. Whee!
Some relentless scaring from the Austen siblings onto the Austen siblings...
Casualty #03: Michigan
Cause of death: Scared to death (by Georgia)
This is also a very creepy picture with Georgia.
Hito nearly joined her dead bf there...
The morning after: massive puddle cleanup.
During the process of burning up leaves (because it's so much quicker and who cares about risk right?), a massive fire breaks out.
Somebody did not last. At least she joins Michigan now in heaven hot tubs?
Casualty #04: Hito
Cause of death: Fire
Two more new contestants! North Dakota (Main Austen) and Alaska (Main Heller). Believe me old lady in the background, you don't want to part of this.
Georgia does her best to welcome the new peeps.
Somehow she managed to change her clothes and face to look perfectly normal...okie.
For a long time Colorado was the 7th wheel in this dorm. Not anymore! Alaska and Colorado join the hot tub club.
Also, if you didn't realise, it's winter!
Nokota is now the new 7th wheel of this dorm...since she apparently didn't want to study, she goes and grabs a kite to play with.
Aspiration failure AND fire. Well this is...sub-optimal.
Fear not, the therapist is here!
Tennessee: omggggggggg the weeds are on fire!!! Nevermind the sister there...
Okay aspiration dealt with. Now the fire. Aaaaaand Nokota lights up on fire.
Aaaaand she's a pile of ash...
Tennessee: Thank god the weeds were okay...
Colorado trying to appeal to the graces of the death god by cleaning up.
Casualty #05: Nokota
Cause of death: Fire
Poor Penny...
Cleaning up after Wyoming's ghost puddles is a futile attempt.
Evidently he's having way too much fun.
I forgot to capture who it was but
Casualty #06: Kolme
Cause of death: ??? (Assuming scared to death)
Two for two again, this time Hawaii Austen and Indiana Heller!
Colorado having some fun smutsling through a door...while Penny watches in numb confusion.
If only you can live in your dreams.
Hot tub being super busy (Hawaii looks on)
Night time, the ghosts are out.
How does a wall even block you as a ghost, Michigan?
Well he's figured it out! Back to haunting.
More haunting
And back again.
Too soon, Tennessee.
Casualty #07: Hawaii
Cause of death: Scared to death (by Michigan)
Close shave Arizona! She put the dangerous kite down before anything happened.
All Indiana does is sleep sleep sleep sleep
So this is what happens when you don't declare a major...
Alaska is me right now. Aspiration failure due to thesis
Much sleep.
Curiosity got the better of her...
She survived!! Not for long though, Georgia just couldn't resist.
Casualty #08: Arizona
Cause of death: Scared to death (by Georgia)
...or is she dead? Those eyes are scary.
Tennessee crying his eyes out onto somebody else's bowl of cereal.
But he moves on SO quickly and is now eyeing his dead gf's sister because nobody in this legacy has morals. Simgod included.
Oh no I see. Arizona's soul left her body and has now possessed her sister. Arizona lives on!
The romance continues...?
I feel like this update and challenge has gone on for way too long. Upping the ante. Time for some hail! Except Alaska fails.
Despite making it rain fire, Alaska eventually was able to make some severe weather where she met her demise.
Casualty #09: Alaska
Cause of death: Hail
Tennessee: Pls bro don't kill me
Indiana sleeps on the kitchen floor again and wakes up to find the entire kitchen alight.
It was chaos for a good few sim hours...5 sims were on fire at some point, and attempts to extinguish or to even go to the phone to call the fire department were limited.
And SOMEBODY actually decided that evacuating to the safety of the exam room is worse than staying where the fire is.
Result: one death, which is surprising less than what I expected. They did a good job of putting each other out.
Ah man, this was the sim I saved from meeting a watery death. Rest in Pixels.
Colorado: I feel my soul disengaging from my body...
Casualty #10: Colorado
Cause of death: Scared to death (by Wyoming)
More kites (we're zooming through this now)
It's a good shot I gotta say.
Casualty #11: Indiana
Cause of death: Electrocution
First death by electrocution...you would think with so many kites there would be more. But mostly it just causes critical hunger, or a fire.
Bye bye...
Another one...
Casualty #12: Tennessee
Cause of death: Fire
Well, who is left?
Penny!! She is the sole survivor. First in only out, eh. If she makes it through college, she's done!
Since she's the only one, there are not six other dormies. This is one of the new girls and wow we got a pretty one.
Penny clearly thinks the same.
She thinks the same of her! Wow this worked out perfect.
How to impress a girl: tell them a story about cockroaches.
(So not included in this update because already too many pics...there was a huge prolonged cockroach infestation that led to several sims having a wall of cockroach memories..fun stuff)
How to impress a girl #2: tell them a story of that one time you peed your pants.
Well these two will get along very well.
They apparently draw the line at ghosts though.
Penny's moved on.
How did Alaska even get out here...
Nearing the end. Time for the great ghost immigration to the cemetery.
Wyoming and Michigan's back.
Kolme! And I think maybe Nokota. Not sure.
The whole bunch of them.
Second bunch...Hawaii, Alaska, Colorado, Indiana looking on, and I *think* Arizona.
The line is drawn between ghosts and aliens.
Aaaaaand she's made it! Congratulations on graduating (and staying alive)
116 pics