Last update before I move onto Generation 5, although technically it's been basically about generation 5 more or less. Naming works like this: once they are college, a new part starts. Internet has been rather slow today, so I will update while it's loading. This is also another huge update, I've been cramming so I don't go beyond 4.9. This goes back to the main families, so refer back to 4.7 if you've already forgotten the story (because I totally didn't forget...totally)
As you know, the Hellers went on a holiday to Twikki Island!
Must comb these beaches for every possible treasure. Perhaps they will eventually catch up to the Austen's wealth?
Every inch of land cannot be spared. And Joy is helping?
Anybody slacking off is subject to walking the plank! I am kidding, it's a holiday after all, should be time for fun on the abandoned shipwreck.
Getting the best angle for Simstagram pictures is no easy work; Arizona can attest to that.
They play until night. Orgeon even made a "new" friend..and learnt a song too.
Oregon also learnt the ethnic greeting and proceeds to show off his new found knowledge to the confusion of his family.
Unsurprisingly, when the time came to make use of the hidden map they found, the Witch Doctor gave the gift of...voodooness? to him. Arizona's not too happy about that.
Colorado demonstrates the sore loser he is by putting soap into the sacred fountain.
The Twikki gods were not impressed and proceeds to send them a few swarms of bees.
Joy doesn't look very joyful right now (har har har)
Well she's not too upset in the end.
Cadillac: So cheeky Holden...calling me in broad daylight to come over...;)
Holden:: Of course...after not seeing you for so long...I can't hold it anymore...
Holden:...I must show you this beautiful shell I found at the beach!!
Cadillac:: ...
Somebody got Oklahoma home!! Only potential heir so far to not live in the main household. (Timeline a little out of whack again sorry)
Slightly awkward dinner...
Oklahoma: Wonder if I can argue my way to have a room in this house so I can also live here whenever I want...this place is also convenient too...I mean my full sister Arizona lives here I sort of have that right, right?
Joy: So, Oklahoma! Nice to finally meet you! It's like everything that's happened sounds like a TV show! I'm sure Arizona would be happy to meet your mother again...and be closer to her...hint hint hint
Oklahoma: *clearly not listening* should I approach Arizona on this...but I will think about it later because step mother is talking to me and she might be evil enough to read minds
Daytime again. Holden is less of an asshole this time to Cadillac (more of an asshole because he's cheating? Let's just agree he's pretty much an asshole)
They go to the sauna...and they have a deep and meaningful nostalgic conversation.
Oregon brings Oklahoma back again! The half-sibling are getting along very well.
Oklahoma: Using my sim glitch powers to check out this room and see if I like it for myself...ugh wait it's only a bathroom
A few more people having a Thriller of a time.
Oklahoma is now part of the family photos! I hope Joy is more even more infuriated
Colorado, after a long afternoon of smustling, settles down in the basement to work on a new hobby - toymaking! Not doing a very good job, unfortunately...but those kites might be useful for later.
Oooh look what we have here...
Louisiana Austen: Ugh I dunno where Colorado disappeared off to! I was hoping he would ask me out soon...but hey his brother is cute too...
The feelings are mutual!
Holden continues the Heller tradition of being the Head of SCIA! After so much accomplishment though, it's time for him to progress to the elder age.
Holden gets a birthday party. Time to make use of the outhouse that has been sitting empty for nearly three generations (if anybody recalls, Evangeline and family stayed here while the main house was being built! Wow it's been a while.)
Birthday cake in the empty kitchen...
The extremely cramped empty kitchen...
Yay! Clearly he's dressed for another holiday (where else but Twikki Island and their beautiful shells amirite)
Skoda and Alfa Romeo were invited, but they clearly don't give a shuck (except for each other)
Joy gives a toast to Holden. Of courses Dagmar shows up first to be part of it...
Joy: Okay Joy, it is hard but it is time to put everything behind us. I can be civil to her. You never wronged her. After all despite her coming back to life, you are still Holden's wife, not her.
Cadillac is the next one to show up.
And holy hell does Holden have a type?! His turn on is not even blond hair!
Joy, Dagmar, Cadillac: To Holden You better be picking me tonight
Holden: This is really weird for me
By the time the Skoda and Alfa finished shucking or whatever they were doing, cake had long disappeared and so they decide to cheer at the awkward toast that was happening before them.
Beware North Hill there's a foxy grandpa on the loose
...except he decides to spend some quality time hiding in the basement and drawing in peace.
Not for long though..
Sending Colorado to college limbo! I already sent Arizona too awhile ago (hence she doesn't appear much) but I guess she slipped away too quickly and quietly for me to screenshot...
Happy birthday to Joy!
Going DOWNTOWNNNNNNNNN to pop some tags at the thrift shop
Oregon WTF'ing at his mother's fashion choice from a few miles away using a telecope
Oregon: I may have accidentally found some aliens oops
Well at least there's a sweet scholarship for this! Bye Oregon see you at college!
We turn back time a little bit to where Oklahoma was still a kid.
Oklahoma building up Body skill by herself
And Logic skill...on her own
And celebrates her birthday....all by herself.
I swear the house is so empty. It's almost apocalyptic. Plot twist Oklahoma has been living alone all this time.
Lightning striked and I ended up with this picture...
BOOM she's a teen! Fittingly she rolls knowledge.
Illusion shattered there are other sims here. It also happens to be Hito's birthday (you know, the one Dagmar had with Codevy...nevermind consult family tree after).
Somehow she ended up looking Asian (which is sort of fitting to her name? Being a mid generation baby she goes under a different naming system; Hito is sort of but not really 'one' in Japanese, I liked it better than ichi haha)
Oklahoma: Those aliens were so mean...they kicked me off before taking me to their planet! All I did was shove that alien jerk away...
Oklahoma: OMG he left his number in my back pocket...jokes on him I can't call it
If you remember (probably not) Dagmar was pregnant because for some reason she is extremely fertile.
Keep awake by cleaning the windows...
New babby! Meet Indiana Heller, whose father is none other than Holden. Yes another potential heir. Yes, she got pregnant that ONE TIME they had a public woohoo.
Before long it's Hito's birthday. Look there's definitely people in the house
Hello Hito
Indiana grows up too because nothing is happening in this house
Shisus pls guys pls
Uncle (greatuncle??) Exo reads to Indiana the toilet story, which is enhanced by actually being in a bathroom.
(At this point I realised that time was going extremely slowly in this specific household. Like they would be walking normally and stuff but the time is going about three times slower. So they got a lot more time. It's annoying. And I only found out what was wrong ages later.)
For being such a star Hito gets a pet parrot Alpha.
More story time! This time enhanced by a flying Alpha.
Being so knowledgeable, it's time for Indiana to be a child.
All grown up!
omg are you
kidding me
are you Dagmar
Codevy: We have even more children on the way! I gotta invest time in building more toys...
Dagmar: Or you could just give them a big inheritance when you die
Codevy: Hmm did you say something?
Dagmar: Nup nothing
Goodbye've been a great role model to all these girls...
Babby time!!
Omg twins as if I didn't have enough this generation to deal with. Their father is Codevy, so they get the same naming system as Hito.
Codevy is holding baby boy Zwei and Dagmar holding baby girl Kolme (got my naming system yet?)
Dang RIP Alpha
Is this some of motif to lose your pet while growing up
Anyway, Hito is grown up to a teenager! She rolls Romance.
Time flies when you are sick of babbies.
Zwei and Kolme!!
So sad their father goes to sim heaven right after growing up. Bye Codevy! It's been a lot of fun. That makes the last of generation three.
Codevy leaves behind a legacy of toys!
This picture in particular makes me particularly sad.
Codevy also left behind a lot of family photos and treasures that Dagmar does not feel like belongs to she packs them all into pixels and gives it to Skoda as a Christmas present.
Evil snowman up to no good I see
Topped her career! Another scholarship!
Bow to Oklahoma everyone holyyyyyyyy
(slow-time glitch side effect...though it was so painful playing three times longer)
Being a genius doesn't prevent her from being easily tricked!
The toddlers both like being with big sis Oklahoma because she's nice right
Hito disagrees!
HAHA SO. Remember that evil snowman? It's so evil it's blocking the pool ladder. The only pool ladder to get out. Will it melt in time before Dagmar suffers another untimely death?
Hito being the super smart sim that she is decides to also jump in. She floats to conserve energy (liked this shot because it looks like she is standing)
Snowman melts in time thankfully!
Let it grow let it grow
(now I got that Lorax song stuck in my head)
lalalallalaleeleelee I gave Kolme a different hairstyle.
And Indiana a new dress! Also from the thrift shop...good find. She also rolled fortune, so that is some good spending.
Zwei gets a new hairstyle too!
House getting too crowded so Oklahoma goes to college with 10,000 simoleons in tow. Bye for now Oklahoma!
So much growing up going in the house...time for Dagmar to grow as well! Zwei has some impressive jumping ability there.
...this growing business doesn't stop at all
Zwei rolled well
Kolme with Pleasure.
This is apparently a legit interaction wow I did not know.
Indiana sneaks away to college in the does everybody else because I ceebs taking care of them.
Recap: there's
Cadillac, 4th Gen heir
Derek, her husband
Penny and Nokota, their 1st set of twins, currently in college limbo
Michigan and Minnesota, 2nd set
Louisiana and Georgia, 3rd set
Tennessee and Wyoming, 4th set
Utah, Cadillac's love child with Holden
Despite not being his child, Derek takes it upon him to care for little Utah.
Still going strong.
Louisiana: Oregon serenaded me at school today! Sooooooo romantic, he's the best!
Georgia and Michigan: cool story bro
Utah is quite loved.
Fixed their dining room up a bit, so that there's a bigger window and door to the backyard.
New generation photos are up and in the kitchen.
Happy couple pictures shown proudly in their master bedroom.
Meanwhile not so secret affair photos in the basement.
After school is of course, time to invite all your friends and have a party.
And the couple making out in the back over there..
In the evening, everyone settles down and do their homework (although not sure if Tennessee got the memo)
Who's a cutie pie?
Basilio of course.
Saturday morning...Michigan reads the finance section.
Derek: What a good son.
Would not choose that place to throw a baby if I were you, Louisiana.
Good work, Georgia (also that's a very nice gym outfit, wonder why I've never seen it before)
Stand up, grow up
It's quite easy to tell he's not Derek's kid; Utah looks quite different to the other boys (Michigan, Tennessee, Wyoming)
Bye Michigan (and Minnesota).
School time. Utah being the only one not in private school haha.
After school party again
Tennesse somehow managed to bring home the most popular girl in the school.
Tennessee: Thanks for coming to're pretty awesome!
Oklahoma: yup I know!
Georgia earning some sibling points.
Louisiana: Well that was an adventure...when my boyfriend said he has alien friends I didn't think actual aliens...
She even had a welcome party!
Georgia takes the easy way to find a date.
So tranquil.
Not for long. This time Hito comes over to join the daily party.
Utah is absolutely over it.
Georgia: So happy to be best friends with you guys! Let's form a sorority when we're in college!
BIRTHDAYS! After 8/9 kids isn't it time to grow old?
Yay Derek!
Cadillac's turn.
Makeovers for both of them.
And a happy snap!
Runs in the family.
Bye Georgia! (And Louisiana although she's not pictured)
House is significantly more quiet now.
Utah grows up.
There he is! Utah rolled Family.
He strikes up a nice friendship with Basilio.
In anticipation for when Utah leaves for college, Basilio gets a new friend, and new female by the name of Emmeryn.
This post has gone on long I sent Utah and the other two boys to college. Everybody is there now, so next update is college! Mwahahha.
154 pics under cut (big update!)