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Comments 7

luv_alone February 21 2014, 03:29:30 UTC
If someone really wants to bully another person, they are going to find a reason to...

That's true. A bully can find the most ridiculous thing to pick on another person, because they don't know any positive and acceptable ways to get attention.

Unfortunately, I found a lot of parents don't teach their kids not to bully, either because they don't realize how bullying affects the victims or how wrong it is.


lynn82md February 21 2014, 18:15:32 UTC
A bully can find the most ridiculous thing to pick on another person, because they don't know any positive and acceptable ways to get attention.
That, and they're going through something themselves and want to use other people as punching bags like it had been in my case.

Unfortunately, I found a lot of parents don't teach their kids not to bully, either because they don't realize how bullying affects the victims or how wrong it is.

To add to that, there are some parents who are in denial that their kid is a bully because "Why would *fill in the blank* want to bully someone? They are a nice kid." Then, there are parents who absolutely don't give a fuck that their child is a bully.


luv_alone February 23 2014, 08:24:34 UTC
To add to that, there are some parents who are in denial that their kid is a bully because "Why would *fill in the blank* want to bully someone? They are a nice kid." Then, there are parents who absolutely don't give a fuck that their child is a bully.

This has been in my case, especially the later part.


mermaid88 February 22 2014, 20:17:47 UTC
"A child is going to get bullied regardless if their parents are gay or not (as I'm sure many members here can vouch for that, especially if they came from a household with heterosexual parents like myself). If someone really wants to bully another person, they are going to find a reason to."

child of a single mom here; can confirm. In fact, the whole time i spent in elementary school, can confirm that this is true. my "problem" was that i sounded/acted too "white" for being a scrawny, black girl. :eyeroll:


lynn82md February 22 2014, 21:32:56 UTC
child of a single mom here; can confirm. In fact, the whole time i spent in elementary school, can confirm that this is true. my "problem" was that i sounded/acted too "white" for being a scrawny, black girl. :eyeroll:´
Isn't it fun when people make fun of someone because they don't go with the way everyone else does with their race, gender, or any other demographic? Let alone, an assinine generalization? (I second your eyeroll)

When I first visited Sweden in 2003, one of the friends of my SO's friends hated me right off the bat (without getting to know me first btw) because I was an American. He thought all Americans were hot heads, obnoxious, loud, and Bush Supporters. However, after getting to talk to me for a bit, he realized "Gee, she's not like the sterotypical American". My thoughts regarding that? "Gee, you think?"


pandapaw February 22 2014, 21:21:35 UTC
i seen on documentrys gay couples rase kids very well.
they are brought up to be very respectful people in the world.

when i see ppl who just go out to get layed.
mother and father hate eachother, and the kid grows up to be depressed. (i know alot of people who are in this situation)

i ... i have to show this.
i saw this on fb the other day and it just is exatly what i had in mind about ppls opinion.


it brought a tear to my eye though seeing this picture because its not fair.


lynn82md February 22 2014, 21:37:32 UTC
when i see ppl who just go out to get layed.
mother and father hate eachother, and the kid grows up to be depressed. (i know alot of people who are in this situation)
Yeah, but you can say the same thing for kids who have parents that were married and divorced because they hated each other, or parents who were married and not got divorced even though they hated each other. My SO was a child of a married couple that hated each other and never got divorced...hence why he never wants to get married.

it brought a tear to my eye though seeing this picture because its not fair.
That is sad :(


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