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Comments 4

luna_glass_wall April 19 2012, 16:46:47 UTC
Reason #whatever why I'm homeschooling my children.

I have a friend who lives close to there; I wonder if she's heard anything about this...and Lord. If the districts' actions are representative of the "leading edge" in NJ anti-bullying practices...I'm glad I got out of NJ public schools with just emotional scars, not those PLUS physical ones.


jesskat April 20 2012, 00:09:47 UTC
Jesus Christ, paralyzed?! That's horrific. This is what happens when people don't take bullying seriously.


alice_the_raven April 20 2012, 02:09:12 UTC
That was so tragic and preventable. I think you really have to hit the bully enablers in the pocketbook.


snow_fall April 20 2012, 15:59:08 UTC
This is a step forward. However, I can't wait to see the day that parents are held responsible for enabling their children to be bullies as well.


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