♉6 - video/action for goldenrod

Oct 21, 2011 18:23

[ once again (as usual?), Tavros is in distress. the angle of the video is kind of odd, as if it's being taken from the floor, and... that's because it is. Tavros is on the ground, and the camera is pointing at his wheelchair, which should be empty since he's not in it, but... ]

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time: afternoon, location: goldenrod city

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video; striderismo October 23 2011, 17:06:21 UTC
[ Welp. Can't pass this one up. Eyebrow cocked over his shades- ]

Having a little difficulty taming the Diglett?


video; bullieve October 23 2011, 20:06:30 UTC
[ oh how the tables have turned. ]

Yes! It's a very stubborn monster, the likes of which I have never encountered, possibly, and also maybe the rudest, regarding its verbal responses to things that I say to it.


video; striderismo October 25 2011, 01:11:08 UTC
Probably also the most fucking illogical. I mean, look at that thing. It's hurting my head just thinking about it.


video; bullieve October 25 2011, 05:50:55 UTC
Yes, mine too, and that is definitely not a ground collision hurting that I'm feeling, it is, uhh, a confusion hurting, because there isn't a hole on the seat for which the Diglett could have gone through, or created, but...

[ theeere it is. sitting there being impudent. ]


video; striderismo October 27 2011, 23:28:33 UTC
So just battle it or something. Your Pokémon aren't paralyzed, are they?


video; bullieve October 28 2011, 04:54:47 UTC
Oh, no, they're in pretty decent shape, but they're sort of having difficulties with approaching this most rude of digbeasts, uhh, with the reason being that it keeps fleeing, and then coming back again. To my four-wheel device.


video; striderescence October 28 2011, 21:44:29 UTC
Maybe you should just fuck the wheelchair and ride a Pokémon. Gotta be easier to get around that way, anyway. Terrain around here ain't exactly made for wheels.


video; bullieve October 28 2011, 21:53:45 UTC
Well, I do have my hoofbeast, Rufio, for riding, but he doesn't always appreciate being a device of transportation. He sort of, uhh, is grouchy when he's tired, similar to other individuals that I'm also acquainted with.

[ sigh, why are all the Pokemon around him awful and/or profane. ]

You're right about the terrain, though, because when I was traversing the land uhh, in a manner of speaking, in my four-wheel device, in order to reach Goldenrod, there was an incident involving a hill and the destruction of my previous four-wheel device, which was certifiably not qualified for the manner of movement that I was asking it to do, so, I don't think if I travel again that I'd use one, uh, again.


video; striderescence October 28 2011, 22:50:32 UTC
[ Thoughtfully: ]

If you can ride that Rapidash of mine, you can use her to travel. It's not like I can make any fucking use out of her.


video; bullieve October 28 2011, 22:54:59 UTC
[ a faaaaaint grin... ]

You're still having difficulty taming the hoofbeast?


video; striderescence October 28 2011, 23:27:49 UTC
[ and mildly, because shit, the poor kid deserves a point now and then; Dave's not gonna get on his case for it: ]

Watch it. I'm offering to let you put your ass where my ass once sat. That's a goddamn honour.


video; bullieve October 28 2011, 23:30:12 UTC
[ he is so pleased and it shows but he is doing his very best not to be Ridiculous about it. ]

Hehe, okay, yes, I guess you have a point, so I won't hassle you about the taming of beasts that you can't do, and, uhh, instead, I'll take you up on that offer, and maybe, possibly, ask if she will let you also sit there. If there's room.


video; striderescence October 28 2011, 23:46:50 UTC
[ good boy. ]

Aww, you wanna ride double with me. I can't exactly blame you; who wouldn't want this fair maiden saddled up with them?


video; bullieve October 28 2011, 23:49:53 UTC
Well, I was sort of thinking that since it's your horse creature, that it would be wrong if I just, uhh, commandeered her, so, sharing is probably a nicer thing to do, especially since you're doing a nice thing for me, uh, to start with.


video; strideocracy October 28 2011, 23:54:04 UTC
Don't get all Hallmark on me, Wheels. If it'll really make your ladyparts tingle, I guess I won't say no, but it's not like I don't have other options. I've got an Arcanine and a Charizard.


video; bullieve October 29 2011, 00:00:59 UTC
Oh, uhh, no, I wasn't being presumptuous in that way, at least, not intentionally. It's sort of, I guess, just a temporary thing to do for fun, and not a forever thing such as the manner that I am in regarding needing a thing to ride on, in order to get around.


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