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CHANGE OF PLAN just sanji and elicia for a bit |Db asobouyo June 18 2011, 07:46:09 UTC
[It's a nice day to go outside, and an even nicer day to visit the lakes and whatnot. And after a relatively calm time the two make their way back, Elicia just a curious and excitable leap and run in front of Sanji.

But unfortunately, when she walks into the next clearing, just as she presses through the bent thicket-Sanji probably not too far behind-she doesn't find a squirrel to watch scamper up a tree. She finds one lying limp on the ground. Followed by a bird... and a lot more things she doesn't care walk toward for an actual view.

She takes a terrified step back, voice really low, but she can't seem to get her eyes away from the scene to run back to the chef.]

... The birdy.... and all the...


oda_hates_me June 18 2011, 08:34:23 UTC
[So long as she doesn't go scampering off too far, Sanji's willing enough to let Elicia explore as she pleases. And he'd promised to let her pick the picnic spot, too. While she heads out in front of him, he grins at the nice weather, a basket of food tossed over his shoulder, and listens to the sounds of the forest

-- And notes how oddly quiet it is today. Weird.

It's the last thought he entertains before catching sight of the small figure stepping back in uncharacteristic silence, matching the unease of the woods.

Sanji's smile falters]

Elicia-chan? You see something? [He's behind her now, glancing ahead to get a look for himself. And sucks in a deep, startled breath through his nose that he can't hide]


asobouyo June 18 2011, 09:01:26 UTC
[She takes another step back, and maybe she's not replying because she's not sure how to just yet-it leaves an alarmed silence as she slowly realizes what's happened. In an instant she turns and all but slams into Sanji's leg, pulling at his shirt, wanting to get off the ground. The panicked sounds of fear mixed with hurt and messy tears finally clear out the dead silence.]

Big bro, they're all dead, the animals are all dead-!

[But why? What hurt them so bad like that?]


oda_hates_me June 18 2011, 09:29:49 UTC
[He doesn't hear Elicia over his racing mind: What the shitty hell killed all these-- Blade wounds, he thinks. Or maybe not - there's too much blood everywhere. Pieces of bodies strewn over the ground, some in the branches, and--

Elicia just saw all this.

That jerks him back to the present, and he registers the sobbing child tugging at his shirt. Shit.]

C'mon. [He picks her up, keeping her face buried in his chest where she won't have to see] It's okay. We're going back.


asobouyo June 18 2011, 09:40:07 UTC
[But you know it's not okay, big bro. And she knows you know it.]

Why'd that happen?? They're all gone...!

[She keeps her face buried all right. She doesn't want to look-it's like a horror movie come to life.]

I'm scared...!


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 17:39:22 UTC
[And coming in from this thread, there is a sudden abrupt crash, through the leaves and branches and finally on the ground. It's kind of funny to think about, how the attack actually managed to bring Kusanagi back to square one.

Unfortunately, the Hulk's actions have only put two more in potential danger.

With an attack like that, though, she isn't going to make any immediate movements. In Sanji and Elicia's eyes, for now at least, it's only a half-naked woman faced down covered in blood, with smoke rising from her body.

A pained groan escapes her.

Dare you approach?]


oda_hates_me June 18 2011, 17:56:33 UTC
[With an entrance like that Sanji nearly jumps out of his skin, and clings all the tighter to Elicia. He knows he shouldn't be swearing where innocent ears can hear, but seriously--]

What the hell!? [First dead animals, and now a scantily-clad woman just fell from the sky. And isn't moving]

O-oi! [He takes a step... then stops abruptly when he sees that she's injured, covered in blood, and giving off smoke like a cinder. Whatever (whoever) did that to her is probably nearby, and his teeth clench with fresh rage at the thought of the shithead who did this --

Elicia can't see this.]

Elicia-chan. I need to help her. [Without waiting for an answer, he starts to place the girl down] Don't look. And I want you stay over by this tree, alright? [He has no shitty clue what's going on, and doesn't want to put her down. But that woman... ] I promise I'll be quick, okay?


asobouyo June 18 2011, 20:50:02 UTC
[At that command, she clamps her hands over her eyes, not budging from the spot he put her near the tree, nodding-if big bro says, she'll do. Besides, that lady is like the animals, but he can probably help her, right...?]



oneofsaya June 18 2011, 21:11:18 UTC
[Yes, Elicia. The naked killer robot is like the poor Bambis she just mercilessly slaughtered. But neither of you realize that yet.

The Hulk had managed to do a small number on her, though, so she's temporarily knocked out--she hasn't even noticed Sanji yet.

She'll wake up shortly, though. which is probably the next tag i make.]


oda_hates_me June 18 2011, 22:18:04 UTC
[Elicia's quick compliance gets her another hug, before he stands up and approaches the woman quickly. And up close it's a messy sight. His features pull into an angered grimace once more, and then he kneels by her side.]

Miss? Can you hear me? [What stupid shit did this to her? And when Sanji finds them... Shit, he isn't sure where to start healing first, or if she's even conscious...

He takes a deep breath to get his game plan together; largest wounds first. He's no healer, but he can help slow the bleeding. His eyes dart over her nearly bare frame without the usual mess of hearts or arousal, looking for where Nala's powers are needed most--

... I've seen this frame before. It's a sharp bit of knowledge, unbidden. And he can feel his mind stumble over the realization because that can't be right. It can't be--]

Noel-chan? [And now he stares at her face in shock, her features, her hair.. and every little detail Nami's told him about their friend starts snapping into place...]


asobouyo June 18 2011, 22:41:23 UTC
[Elicia slowly lowers her hands, heart beating fiercely, at the sound of the name; she remembers Noel. Doesn't know her all that well to tell it's her, but if Sanji knew... She moves to walk forward, freezes up, and places her foot right back where it had been.

He said not to move. Her hands linger around her face, eyes scanning Sanji's back, and the bloody limbs and head of armor and hair poking out behind him.]


[it's hurting people, too, good nice people]


oneofsaya June 18 2011, 23:16:22 UTC
[...what was she doing? Where is she? Her senses are slowly returning to her, but she's not sure... what's going on.

Kusanagi can hear talking, the sound of moving feet. There are people nearby, and--




Stop... no more. That's not her name. That's not her name! No, no, no, no!

Kusanagi's eyes dart open; they're wide, and not the same emerald-green color "Noel" would have.]


oda_hates_me June 18 2011, 23:37:36 UTC
[It's Sanji's chivalry that keeps him in place; his senses are busy insisting he put a healthy amount of distance between him and her. But she's injured, and the chef looks drastically unsure if his assessment is correct.

Am I wrong? Is it possible she's another clone that merely resembles Noel and Nu, cut from the same cloth?

.. Does it matter? Either this isn't Noel, or not the Noel he knows.]

Elicia-chan. [He speaks slowly, but loud enough for her to hear, hoping the entire time he's wrong about this] Get behind the tree.


asobouyo June 18 2011, 23:43:50 UTC
[There's no hesitation there; she darts behind the tree and clasps her fingers against the bark, eyes wide. Something was wrong, that much was obvious, but she can't wrap her mind around the possibility that a person can be themselves, and yet not themselves at all...]


oneofsaya June 19 2011, 00:11:00 UTC
[It's when Sanji orders Elicia to hide that Kusanagi begins to rise back up again, almost as though the last minute had never even happened. She's aware that this is the same place she had first awakened in, but the two presences were something new for her.

...or was it?

A child and a man.

Kusanagi ignores Elicia for now, knowing that the one in front of her poses more of a threat at the moment.] Analyzing... target confirmed.


oda_hates_me June 19 2011, 00:20:28 UTC
[He knows that special brand of monotone... Yeah, time to revert to the "back-up" plan.

Which he does, making sure to take careful steps away from where Elicia's hiding while keeping his eyes only on the woman - just keep focused on me - hands drawn up in hopeful surrender]

O-oi, just a sec. I'm not a target! [He says this, but subtly shifts into a defensive stance and frame-of-mind anyway.]


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