[You didn't have to be the warrior Katara was to be able to sense the sense the coiling intent and edged evaluation coming from the swordsman when she stepped forward and Katara takes a moment to breathe. If it had been her, and some stranger had come to help Toph, she'd be watching them just as carefully - but she couldn't afford the distraction of his evaluation once she got to work, and she didn't care about his opinion - this was about Nami. And the sooner this was settled, the sooner she could get to work. If she had her way, she'd shoo them all out so that she could concentrate in silence, but she wants Chopper to be in there to monitor Nami's physical body while she works and she knows that getting Sanji to leave would be next to impossible - which is fine, she can work with people watching her, but not if she's going to be distracted by them, not for work like this.
So she shifts towards Zoro, her stance ready and relaxed and meets his gaze evenly.]I know that you don't know me. And I only know your name, and that you're
( ... )
[Black water. From Nami's mind. There is extremely little in the way of Chopper panicking when he sees it - nothing like he's ever seen before, ever, what is this - but Katara knows what she's doing, and Chopper can only trust her.]
[Then Katara moves back and meets Chopper's gaze, and his heart lifts. It must have worked. Nami is...unresponsive, but judging from that hideous taint...that's probably a good thing. The reindeer clutches the sheets and swallows. Thank God.]
[But he can't ignore Katara's exhaustion. He looks back up again, eyes fixed on her slumped form.] Will this leave any lasting negative effects on you?
[She glances up at Chopper and smiles a little. It's an effort to sit up straight but she manages.] I'm fine. That didn't- it was just a lot of work.
[Like trying to hold a river..
Just don't ask her to get up just yet. She shakes her head a little.] Anyway, I got it all. So that's one thing we don't need to worry about. I'd try to help with the inflammation, but... maybe I'll just come back.
[That stuff...was in his nakama's head. That's-a little unnerving. ...This shit is all above Zoro's paygrade, so he just watches Katara steadily continue to work. Her effort and growing exhaustion don't escape him.
When she finishes, he shifts subtly and raises his eyes to meet hers. They're free of aggression for the moment, just very intent.]
[At Zoro's question, Katara glances back down to Nami's face and for a moment - how is she supposed to know? All she knew was that there was something inside her that wasn't supposed to be there, so she got it out? She doesn't know what she's doing, this is so very much out of her depth that for a moment she feels like she's drowning.
Breathe. Her chi had been strong. Her will was strong. Will she be herself?
Heh.] It's Nami.
[She turns her gaze to meet Zoro's.] If Aku couldn't break her, I don't think this will. There's nothing to stop her from healing - and I think she will.
So she shifts towards Zoro, her stance ready and relaxed and meets his gaze evenly.]I know that you don't know me. And I only know your name, and that you're ( ... )
I'm fine. Just tired. Give me a minute.
[Then Katara moves back and meets Chopper's gaze, and his heart lifts. It must have worked. Nami is...unresponsive, but judging from that hideous taint...that's probably a good thing. The reindeer clutches the sheets and swallows. Thank God.]
[But he can't ignore Katara's exhaustion. He looks back up again, eyes fixed on her slumped form.] Will this leave any lasting negative effects on you?
[Like trying to hold a river..
Just don't ask her to get up just yet. She shakes her head a little.] Anyway, I got it all. So that's one thing we don't need to worry about. I'd try to help with the inflammation, but... maybe I'll just come back.
When she finishes, he shifts subtly and raises his eyes to meet hers. They're free of aggression for the moment, just very intent.]
...She'll be herself?
Breathe. Her chi had been strong. Her will was strong. Will she be herself?
Heh.] It's Nami.
[She turns her gaze to meet Zoro's.] If Aku couldn't break her, I don't think this will. There's nothing to stop her from healing - and I think she will.
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