Title: Eleven Hours
Author: bugs
Genre: Suspense, Romance, Drama
Rating: M
Word Count: 4,000
Timestamp: 18h, 18m
A/N: Who knew doing this plotting thing would take so much time? Dangit. Thanks to the aussie girl!
False prophets read the Lords' words and spit words as twisted as a vipers' nest. Only the righteous believers can hear the truth clear as a ringing bell. Who shall you be? )
Comments 17
The A/R scene and raptor flashback were hot.
Darn, I was trying to scale the smut back to sort of a depressing level. Need to keep working on that.
The NC memories were great, though the 'what I said to him' comment was interesting. That wasn't what she said to him about the election, was it? Hmm..
i'm not the only one thinking that there's something more =D i thought i forgot something canon LOL XD
I can't kill Laura...yet!
That wasn't what she said to him about the election, was it? Hmm..
Hah! aussie told me to remind the readers of the 'something she said' after sexy times that drove him off, and I realized instantly she was right! Obviously I needed to do it!
Men. That man.
"That's my Bill, ever the stoic manly man. You're not worried that I'll poison your most precious possession."
His arm tightened again. "It's not my most precious possession."
"All right. Most precious body part."
"Like your body parts better." He'd somehow gotten my blouse unbuttoned. He did have a way about him, I must say.
;_; i'm torn between sweet and hot... i can't decide what i love most about this exchange XD ♥♥♥
I looked him over. His hair was still a wild mess, now half-soaped. The bags under his eyes hung halfway down his rough cheeks. He was rubbing the bar of soap across his broad chest, bubbles running over his belly and catching on his half-erect penis.
Or at least this particular man. That he could summon any sort of arousal this morning was probably a sign to him that all was right in the worlds.
ROFLMAO XD she loves him so much ♥
i don't like dodona *pouts*
I think you say that every chapter!
it tells how much laura loves him, really!
I love that you see that. Because it's not like she's lying there saying to herself, I love him, I love him. In fact, she's fighting it as hard as she can, but there's what we feel and what we think in life, eh?
ROFLMAO XD she loves him so much
She's supposed to be really really mad at him! He was so mean, so cruel...Ah well, it's the next day. Time to move on.
i don't like dodona *pouts*
Yeah, with that kidnapping and such.
You've managed to make Dodona even more monotonous than in canon and that's saying something :D
Nice flashbacks :)))
Brandy may not be only her way in, but also her way out...
She's such a perfect character to be the crazee kidnapper/killer!
Brandy may not be only her way in, but also her way out...
You're getting pretty confident with your guesses on the plot...
Reading in 1st person Laura gives this such a different (good) feel, and you wrote it so well!
You could write all your smut M instead of Ma and I would still be a very happy smut hound!
It's very different to sustain something like this in a longer story! She's such a fierce, strong person; how does that translate to her internal voice? I just can't see her gushing on about her undying love, but hopefully little moments of her transformation seep through.
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