Title: Eleven Hours
Author: bugs
Genre: Suspense, Drama, Romance
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,800
Timestamp: Fourteen hours, eighteen minutes
A/N: Can days start having 48 hours please, thanks! Too much going on! And thanks to aussie for keeping this straight. Hopefully.
Trust no pretenders, those who claim they have heard the word of the dying leader and will follow. Only those anointed by the Lords of Kobol, under the dark cloak of our Queen, Persephone, shall serve the dying leader, so that all humanity may feast on the milk and honey on Earth. )
Comments 17
But it's funny how she's suspicious of the wrong thing! :D
I love using OC. Make me feel like a 'real' writer for a minute or two!
The fact that Han thought Adama was sleeping with other women was hilarious.
It's definitely fun to play with how darn guilty everyone would look to an outsider!
Can't wait to see who took Roslin.
Finally got my act together and posted another chapter! All is (sort of) revealed!
Love Bill defending himself about sex with Laura. "--it's her choice."
We all know you're a gentleman, Bill!
So many times in the series, I wondered about the poor citizens of the Fleet and what little information they must have. It just seemed like a fun idea to give someone little pieces of Our Heroes lives and see what they could make of it.
I find the Grand Leap detectives to be so unrealistic. And frankly more fun to have these poor cops befuddled by Bill's well-intended roadblocks.
We all know you're a gentleman, Bill!
I'm always struck by his Sad Panda face as he tells Saul he'll be with the president. Hardly a man heading to sexy times! He just finds so much to be feel guilty about!
I gotta say, the whole chapter was really great but (and excuse me if this sounds weird)- the condom part was so smart....!!!! for lack of a better word....
Loooove your fics.
The things you learn for your characters in fanfic! I'd seen it in other Cancerfics, but it struck me as a wonderfully guilty looking touch for the unaware detective. :D
Glad you're catching up. I don't feel as slack if readers are still chugging along.
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