Title: In the Northern Sky Author: bugs Rating: T Summary: An unlikely group heads to Cloud Nine. Genre: AU, Adventure, Angst, Drama, Romance Characters: Adama/Roslin, BSG cast. Word Count: 2,700
Oh, even though I knew it was coming, I still got some tears!
At least this time Laura can't blame Bill for Billy's death in any way. (Well, I suppose she could in a round about way, but not quite as directly as canon.)
“We’ll figure something out. If all else fails, I can call Bill to come save our asses.” This is so funny. And sweet in a way. Even after their argument she knows he'll come charging over on his white horse if she gives him the call.
I like where your Richard is heading. Not completely immoral, but still irritating enough that we don't want him to touch Laura. LOL. I like how he can see through Zarek.
I'm obvious, of course, and Laura's thoughts that she wanted Bill at the end was my favourite part. ♥
Oh, even though I knew it was coming, I still got some tears!
I'm terrible about holding in spoilers, aren't I?
At least this time Laura can't blame Bill for Billy's death in any way.
When it was obviously Lee's fault!
Even after their argument she knows he'll come charging over on his white horse if she gives him the call.
But she does take him a bit for granted, eh? So it was nice Billy gave her the set down before...it..happened! *sob*
I like where your Richard is heading. Not completely immoral, but still irritating enough that we don't want him to touch Laura. LOL. I like how he can see through Zarek.
And Baltar. I really wanted to keep him smart and attractive on one level, because otherwise it make Laura dumb. But not touchable.
I'm obvious, of course, and Laura's thoughts that she wanted Bill at the end was my favourite part. ♥
It's awful to use poor dead Billy in this fashion, but I think some comforting is in order.
When it was obviously Lee's fault! Oh, I'm not even that mean!
But she does take him a bit for granted, eh? So it was nice Billy gave her the set down before...it..happened! *sob* I did get this feeling. But she'll wake up to herself one day. Maybe Volta could show her not to do such a thing?
I'm not writing any more fic where I have to kill him. I'm gonna hold you to that.
Since the week never got any better, I'm a bit worried for Monday. Is it just life now? This has been my entire month of October :\. The weeks just keep getting crappier and crappier. It has simultaneously been pretty much the shortest days/weeks ever, and the longest month ever. Nothing ever seems to get done but I'm so stressed and there's so *much* to do. I'm ready for it to be December now.
Comments 21
I... oh... Billy...!!!
At least this time Laura can't blame Bill for Billy's death in any way. (Well, I suppose she could in a round about way, but not quite as directly as canon.)
“We’ll figure something out. If all else fails, I can call Bill to come save our asses.” This is so funny. And sweet in a way. Even after their argument she knows he'll come charging over on his white horse if she gives him the call.
I like where your Richard is heading. Not completely immoral, but still irritating enough that we don't want him to touch Laura. LOL. I like how he can see through Zarek.
I'm obvious, of course, and Laura's thoughts that she wanted Bill at the end was my favourite part. ♥
I'm terrible about holding in spoilers, aren't I?
At least this time Laura can't blame Bill for Billy's death in any way.
When it was obviously Lee's fault!
Even after their argument she knows he'll come charging over on his white horse if she gives him the call.
But she does take him a bit for granted, eh? So it was nice Billy gave her the set down before...it..happened! *sob*
I like where your Richard is heading. Not completely immoral, but still irritating enough that we don't want him to touch Laura. LOL. I like how he can see through Zarek.
And Baltar. I really wanted to keep him smart and attractive on one level, because otherwise it make Laura dumb. But not touchable.
I'm obvious, of course, and Laura's thoughts that she wanted Bill at the end was my favourite part. ♥
It's awful to use poor dead Billy in this fashion, but I think some comforting is in order.
But she does take him a bit for granted, eh? So it was nice Billy gave her the set down before...it..happened! *sob* I did get this feeling. But she'll wake up to herself one day. Maybe Volta could show her not to do such a thing?
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On an unrelated note, I'm sorry work is crappy and stressful.
Since the week never got any better, I'm a bit worried for Monday. Is it just life now?
I'm gonna hold you to that.
Since the week never got any better, I'm a bit worried for Monday. Is it just life now?
This has been my entire month of October :\. The weeks just keep getting crappier and crappier. It has simultaneously been pretty much the shortest days/weeks ever, and the longest month ever. Nothing ever seems to get done but I'm so stressed and there's so *much* to do. I'm ready for it to be December now.
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