My faith in humanity has been restored. I was expecting to have to do quite a few drawings, and maybe a single afghan. As it turns out, only one drawing has been commissioned so far (and it was requested that Elijah do it!), and I am already committed to doing three afghans, a tea cozy, and a cross-stitch sampler. That's how successful things have been so far, and we are astonished and grateful. And that isn't even counting the marvelous people (friends and strangers alike) who have chosen to donate without receiving anything. Amazing.
In light of the tremendous response to this fundraiser, I feel that it's important to show my work, so that everyone can be assured that we don't intend to "take the money and run", as it were. Please note that the item created does not necessarily reflect the amount donated; choice of commission is entirely at the discretion of the donater.
This list will be updated frequently.
compost75 requested a user pic with a dark horse.
~~ Mike Fox requested "Elijah to draw a shrunken adrian being given a mushroom in the 8-bit mario universe. It should say "get well soon" on it and be given to adrian directly. The artist has full discretion in his interpretation of these directions." Elijah was delighted to assist, and it is my intention to compensate the artist for his commissions, in the form of a Wal*Mart gift card for him to purchase whatever toys, games or art supplies he would wish. This will be presented to him on Christmas.
~~Today (11/25 was the day I made it to Michaels for yarn. I have begun an afghan in royal blue and hunter green for
cipherpunk; when Adrian is feeling better, he is going to start an afghan in fall colors for him as well. From the progress I have made so far, I expect it to take between 1 and 2 weeks to complete the one I am working on. It's impossible to estimate how Adrian's will progress, because although he works faster than me normally, he is quite groggy.
~~I am also working on a few drawings for my dad, who has donated a huge chunk of time and money. The one I am currently working on is a picture of him and me, drawn in the style of Beavis and Butthead (one of our favorite shows to watch together when I was a teenager).
~~After this afghan, it is my intention to work on an afghan in purple and green for
Stay tuned for further updates.
29 Nov. Arghargh, so effin busy. It's utter chaos here. I'm nearly done with my Beavis and Butthead parody pic, and here's a pic of the afghan as of like 10 last night. (Don't worry, it IS all the same width. It just, like, stretched in my hands, mainly because it's friggin heavy.)
6 Dec.
yes i am almost done with Rob's first afghan and I'm being silly with it. :P