Last night
brown_betty, in between writing brilliant posts and comments about the "clarification" (I do not think that word means what they think it means) of LJ's permissible content policy, she came up with a brilliant idea for a political cartoon about the whole mess.
Alas, as she lamented to me, Betty cannot draw. (I'm not sure I entirely believe this, as I haven't yet come across anything else she can't do.) She described the cartoon she envisioned so well I thought I could almost see it too. So, I offered to try drawing it for her.
Peek shot:
I learned that drawing goats is hard. (Sheep are, if anything, easier than when I was in grade school drawing them for some project or another.) But Betty says she's pleased with how it turned out, and since it's her artistic vision it was meant to illustrate, I succeeded at least that far.
The quotation is from Matthew, chapter 25 verse 32, which reads in full,
And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats; (KJV)
Media: #2 mechanical pencil on paper, coloured in Photoshop.
Disclaimer: Frank the Goat and the LiveJournal pencil logo are property of SixApart.
Who knew sheep could be such woobies?