So I realised recently that it's been over a year since I posted any fic here. Granted, I've been largely gafiated, and also mostly not writing (you didn't think I was writing and hoarding it all away to myself, I hope), but still. The main purpose of this LJ is inflicting sharing my fanfic with the world
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Comments 31
And also, yay.
Also, that was fabulous! ♥
I would love to be able to tell you that.
Unfortunately, this is *Dick* -- which is to say, he probably snuck up on her in the BPD parking garage or a dark alleyway and is lucky he didn't get shot.
Still makes me make THAT noise. Like a donkey fucking an owl, I believe.
Don't give me that mental image! They don't *make* owls that *big*!
No, a really small donkey does not make it okay. A burrito is acceptable however.
(<3 gang sign)
now that was sweet in ways which has *nothing* to do sugary and sticky and goo-y.
and AMY!!!
As for Amy... I needed to end with him going to someone after Selina and trying his bondage request out on them. Taking into account both how Dick's mind works, and opportunities for comedy gold, Amy was clearly the best choice.
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This is a story that had its inception in Te and me just goofing off doing voices, ad-libbing conversations in character. We actually do rather a lot of that, but most of it never gets written down. This particular scenario struck me as too funny *not* to write down.
I didn't make the icon, I just captioned it. And I see your quadruple-Dick icon and raise you Golden Age Dick...
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