Title: You've Got Music
Fandom/Pairing: American Idol; Kris/Adam
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is a Kradam AU of You've Got Mail. 22k. Um, forgive the awful title. And the lack of sexytimes.
Some day I will tell you everything. Until then, I’m still here. Talk to me. )
Comments 94
This was so good, seriously. And I just never slept, oh well!
Is it better to be unfulfilled but content, or unhappy with your decisions but knowing that at least you were brave in making them?
How a song can take you back to an exact moment and place in your life. Nothing else can really do that.
♥_____♥ Just. Fantastic, seriously.
PS. What's a girl gotta do to get you to add me back here on LJ? ;)
Of course, reading this just makes me want to read more from you . . . ;)
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