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Comments 13

velvetwhip December 15 2005, 21:03:25 UTC
I'm familiar with sockmonkeyhere's work, but the rest are new to me. Thanks for sharing.



desoto_hia873 December 16 2005, 03:25:23 UTC
No problem! The list of winners at the RDAs site has *alot* of great fics - many of which I haven't read yet, but intend to.


velvetwhip December 16 2005, 03:43:08 UTC
Thanks for pointing out a new resource to me!



yourlibrarian December 15 2005, 21:46:45 UTC
I've only read the first one so it looks like I have lots to dig into here!

And nice to know about how the awards brought you to these too.


desoto_hia873 December 16 2005, 03:26:25 UTC
I discovered many wonderful new-to-me authors and I know there are more waiting. :-)


lillianmorgan December 15 2005, 21:48:36 UTC
Thanks very much for these. I'm following #1 and #4 but hadn't yet found time/heard of the others. #5 looks delicious.
I also didn't know about the community ::is rather slow:: so thanks very much for that. Very good to know.


desoto_hia873 December 16 2005, 03:26:59 UTC
#5 is delicious! And the RDA community make a great reading list.


gillo December 16 2005, 02:02:04 UTC
Wow. Just read all of The Dirty Back Road straight off. Still sniffling. Thank you so much for the rec.


desoto_hia873 December 16 2005, 03:27:24 UTC
Happy to oblige! Great story, wasn't it?


untitleddemo December 16 2005, 07:45:59 UTC
Great choices! There are two on this list that I have not read yet, and I'm excited to read them. Thanks for sharing.


desoto_hia873 December 16 2005, 15:54:20 UTC
Glad to do it. Great fics deserve pimping!


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