Five great vids from 2020

Oct 31, 2020 08:59

Happy Halloween folks. We’re now onto the recs for fandom creativity that has happened since last year’s buffyversetop5. I’ve noticed a lot of great vids this year, so here’s the first of two 2020 vid posts

Welcome to the Jungle by ethereal. This is a beautifully edited Ensemble vid with an emphasis on Buffy for obvious reasons!

More video beauties this way... )

cat: holiday, pairing: giles/jenny, char: ensemble, pairing: willow/kennedy, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, cat: fluff, cat: comics-related, form: vid, pairing: willow/tara, cat: angst, cat: character vid, char: oz

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Comments 8

yourlibrarian October 31 2020, 17:15:08 UTC
Yay for new vids! I decided to start with Island and you're certainly right about the tone. But what struck me was how literally sunny it is. So much of Buffy is actually in dark and shadows and I've noticed a lot of vids suffer from poor quality clips because of the lack of visibility. It's a striking difference.


sparrow2000 October 31 2020, 18:18:38 UTC
Always yay for new vids! :)

You are right about how literally sunny that vid is as well as its tone. So many Buffy scenes are dark that it's actually quite a shock to see so many sunny scenes in one place. *g*


yourlibrarian October 31 2020, 18:28:17 UTC
Just finished watching the rest -- loved Welcome to the Jungle. I think it's easy to remember the drama and humor in the series but it was also a horror show and the vid does such a good job of reminding us of that. Best one I've seen in a while.

The Giles/Jenny one is cute and also has such a light air. And the Willow/Tara one -- funny!


sparrow2000 October 31 2020, 19:12:01 UTC
Agreed, Welcome to the Jungle blew me away. And after all the darkness, cute and fun vids are just what the doctor ordered! :)


double_dutchess October 31 2020, 17:19:25 UTC
Happy Halloween! I'd only seen a few of those before, so thanks for introducing me to the other ones. The Willow/Tara and Giles/Jenny ones were really cute!


sparrow2000 October 31 2020, 18:19:35 UTC
Grins at you in a suitably spooky manner - yeah, I'd run away from me too! *g*

Glad you could revisit old favourites and enjoy some new ones :)


thenewbuzwuzz October 31 2020, 18:56:23 UTC
Oh, yay for vid recs! "Island in the Sun" is on my upcoming list too. And "Willow has a girlfriend now" is exactly as you said, how nice!


sparrow2000 October 31 2020, 19:13:01 UTC
Well a great piece of creativity can never be recced too many times.

The Willow has a girlfriend vid just makes me grin like crazy.


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