How Buffyverse Top 5's 2020 Session Will Run

Oct 06, 2020 16:54

Just a last reminder that this year's Buffyverse Top 5 session will open in 15 days at midnight UTC on October 23!

First, a request:

1) If the recced work can be accessed through AO3, and you're choosing between links to use, using the AO3 link will save the mods time (and might be more stable).

As was announced last year, Top 5 has a collection on AO3 containing recced works from this community. There are a few reasons why a recced work is not yet in that collection:

* It can't be accessed through AO3.
* It was not hosted on AO3 before November 2019, so it was missed when works were being added.
* The creator did not accept the invitation to have their work(s) added to the collection.
* A search error did not bring up the work as invitations were being made.

If you happen to know of a work on AO3 that was recced here and isn't in the collection, please let us know so that we can check into it.

Regardless of where a work exists though, please rec it here!

2) This is the first year when we are also accepting rec lists made through Twitter! How will that work? Like this:

* Use the hashtag #buffyversetop5
* You can either link to a list you've posted at some other online location, or
* You can link to a list you've posted on Twitter. Many 5 item lists of titles + links should fit in a single tweet.
* All the usual guidelines apply - 5 fan-created items in a Whedonverse fandom per rec post. However if you want to write more about each of your recs and need the space, please keep them as a chained link of tweets (i.e., include (1/5) (2/5) etc. in the tweets)

The official Top 5 account will like and reblog those recs once they're found. The recced works will also be added to the AO3 collection once the 2020 session ends, either directly if they're on AO3, or through bookmarks if they're not.

If you happen to use Twitter yourself, please do let other Buffy fans there know about the October session and point them to our account so they can join in!

3) As of last year, there is now one session to rec works from all Whedon fandoms and all time periods. But to help us keep a mix of new and older content, we encourage contributors to create separate lists for them if possible.

We'll be starting out with a Classic Recs weekend from the 23-25, and then from October 26-30 feel free to post any mix of recs you'd like. On October 31-Nov 2 we'll be closing things out with our Flash Forward weekend, several days of focusing on content from 2020. So no matter what assortment of fan-created content recs you have, they will be welcome!

You can comment here to let your mods, petzipellepingo and yourlibrarian know if you have any questions. We hope to see your lists soon!

admin: mod post, #buffyversetop5

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