Are thoughts of Halloween creeping up on you? It means Classic Recs is coming too!
Starting at midnight GMT on October 27 (6 PM EST in the U.S. on Oct 26) we’ll be celebrating Halloween through all the time zones until midnight November 1. Five days for you to bring your all-time favorite recs of fics, vids, graphics, anything and everything fandom has produced in all the Whedon fandoms! All time periods before 2016 are eligible for posting and, as always, crossover content is A-OK, so get those lists ready!
The Wishlist
For those of you who have been around a while, you may remember
the Top 5 Wishlist. Unfortunately as content has slowed in recent years, wishlist content is more difficult to find for our annual sessions, so this was discontinued.
However, with all time periods and Whedon fandoms open during the Classic Recs session, it should be easier to fulfill someone else's wishes!
Comment below with a line or two about what sorts of recs you’ve been hoping to see posted. If you see requests here that you could make a post about, start putting a Classic Recs list together! The more people who post, the more likely everyone will find what they’re looking for.
Remember, comments below should be your own wishes ONLY. Respond with Classic Recs lists posted to the community once we open.
We hope to see you all in a month's time!